Monday, September 29, 2008


This is a call to all Generals in the country. If i call Generals, it does not mean army generals only. This is a call to the Generals from all services. General in my term means , people of excellence who have remained at the top positions and who have commanded respect in the institutions in their respective fields before retirement.

Generals from bureaucracy, Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, Judges, CEO's of private and publis institutions and people from all walks of life, industrialists, businessmen etc. People who have had an impeccable record and whom their people look upto as examples of excellence and integrity.

This is no time to relax, play golf, watch TV, read newspapers and play a game of bridge. Today is the time for them to come into ACTION. In normal circumstances, you could have relaxed, the way you wanted and you are doing so. But unusual circumstances demand unusual solutions. We have had enough of Politicians, who are corrupt, criminals, tainted and agents of big industrial houses. Are they worthy to define the future of India ? Your future, my future and our children's future ? CERTAINLY NOT. Let us not allow them to disintegrate our great country on the lines of casteism and religion. They are parasites who enjoy on taxpaers money and keep 60% of our entire police at their disposal for their own personal security.. The police, who should have been in the field to protect ordinary citizens, is at their beck and call. If people are maimed in bomb blasts, they are hardly bothered. It is happening almost everyday because we are termed as a SOFT state.

We beleive in Democracy and vibrant democracies have always survived like USA & UK. But today India's democracy is not vibrant. IT IS DEAD. Democracy in India is used by these politicians as a tool to create and maintain their vote banks.

Come together on a common platform. Forget your egos and fears for the sake of your country. Make a Political Forum or a Political Party which stands for integrity, discipline with real values. But before that, you will have to do a lot of spade work. Coming elections are out of reach. Go to the people, aam admi. Listen to his problems and greivances. Try to solve them in best possible manner and win their trust. People should realise that you are a class apart from politicians who make false promises and forget after winning them. A JOURNEY OF THOUSAND MILES BEGINS WITH THE FIRST STEP. Your efforts today on the ground level will give you results in the next general elections. e.g. yr 2014. But their is always a beginning. Better late than never.

Be the icons, whose names will be enshrined in the annals of history. People will remember you that these were the people who REDEFINED & REINVENTED India.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why would a general leave his comforts and do something for the country ?

September 30, 2008 at 7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for your comments. I am glad you read my pages quite regularly, without disclosing your name. Does'nt matter. Generals, if they are true generals, will certainly come out of their cocoons. They are more well versed with the situation prevailing in our country, than us, due to their links at the highest places. Only the time factor is not known. It's anybody's guess. I am very optimistic about " Generals " doing something, if their heart beats for their country.

September 30, 2008 at 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While going thru the google, i accidently, came across your blog. i read your article. very innovative idea. bring generals.

October 1, 2008 at 9:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you have sent me a email requesting generals to come forward to form a political party. this is not our job. mind you... i read your other pages. interesting...

October 1, 2008 at 9:26 AM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Deepak & Brigadier Nalwa,

It is really surprising to see comments from 2 new gentlemen. Although, i expected comments from my friends & loved ones, but they seem to be disinterested in political affairs ( turmoil ) and have isolated themselves from their surroundings ( bomb blasts ). Brigadier, may i remind you that 2 Generals have done a good job in politics. General Sinha, ex-governor of J & K, who took the right step in the interest of majority in our country regarding Amarnath Shrine and General Kandhuri, CM of Uttaranchal, who is doing a commendable job.

October 1, 2008 at 7:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

well said...yes only true generals can come forward & bring a major change in the prevalent situation of our country. By generals one doesnt mean navy, army or airforce,it means intelligent & honest people in all departments of our society can join hands & contribute something intelligent& valuable to our country . so army generals plz rest & retire as they have already contributed enough..

October 2, 2008 at 7:41 PM  

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