Monday, October 6, 2008


We all want to feel good and avoid discomfort, boost pleasure and reduce pain, but one of the greatest afflictions of modern life often preventing this is stress or, more accurately, disstress. Not all stress is harmful, in fact some is positively beneficial and essential to our survival and happiness----the good stress. Effective stress management is about handling life in ways that help us minimise distress while capitalising on the benefits of good stress. A key area of your belief system ----one that will significantly affect how you react to what life throws at you----- is where you think control over yourself is located.

If you believe that you have control over your feelings, and atleast partial control over the events that shape your life, then you have an internal locus of control. People who have an external locus of control typically act and react in number of ways that increases their risk of distress.. They tend, for example, to talk of " unfairness " or " unjustness " and view themselves as " victims ". They become overly distressed when exposed to unwanted events or circumstances. After surgery or ill health, they recover slowly, tend to avoid their usual activities for long periods, and fail to engage in problem-solving behaviour to change the circumstances they dislike.

I have seen many people make significant changes in their typical ways of responding to life by learning how to change self-defeating attitudes and develop self-help techniques.

I have added a few lines today morning. Today everyone in the world is directly or indirectly linked to the stock market, may be in shape of stocks, mutual funds, pension funds, ULIP's etc. With the recent meltdown, specially yesterday's carnage in all stock markets in the world, this page co-relates itself. You are not the " victim". Everyone of us is affected. These are circumstances, beyond our control. Stock markets are for the " Braveheart ". If you think, you are a braveheart, keep calm, and let the dust settle down. If you are a weakheart, still you cant do anything. So keep patience. After a long dark night, there is always a dawn waiting...

NOTE : If you are true '' braveheart " and a true " Die Hard ", then this is a blessing in disguise. We can take SIP route ( systematic investment plan ) or STP route ( stock transfer plan ) in mutual funds to make a " killing " in the stock market, in years to come. I cant be a die hard, if i wish to , as i have a my daughter's wedding coming in a few months. I am already a" Braveheart ", not wanting to be !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whenever a calamity, misfortune or some thing which does not suit us happens, we always ask God or question Him rather---WHY ME?????????????
But when ever we are bestowed with happiness, goodtimes or fortune falls in our lap do we ever question or ask God Why me?????????Take things as they come and while you are in your human form in this world try to be human and compassionate.What has to happen ,has to happen.As the stock market has fallen, the bubble had to burst.The stocks that have fallen and the money lost , remember, that was never yours in the first place.But let me assure you, this shall also pass. BE POSITIVE.

October 7, 2008 at 9:24 AM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Thanks again for your well worded comments, Dr. Manchanda. If we read Bhagawat Gita " What have we lost ? Nothing. It was never yours, in the first place. Khali haath aye theey, khali haath jaana hai. " Easier said, than done... but you must have a positive approach. i have added a few lines on the same page after your comments. Do read...

October 7, 2008 at 10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A King used to wear a ring on his finger,and whenever caught in a tough spot,he would look at it and smile...becoz on it were inscribed the words"This too shall pass away." The very condition of being human is beset with implications of freedom and choice...we may not always have control over events but we can choose how to face them...and prayers help...more than is generally believed.

October 7, 2008 at 7:37 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Ms Walia,

Thanks again for your valued comments. I do agree with you, prayers do help. I am Vaishno Mata devotee and have always found, that whenever i have a problem, she is always there for my rescue and solves it. Though it is said, that you should never test your " Ishtdev ", but in a problem, you always tend to reach God.

October 7, 2008 at 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Rajiv Arora,

Thanks for your email. If you have liked my post or you have different views on any of my pages, please do write your comments. Comments are important as they tend to give you a direction and point of view of people, whom you relate to.

October 7, 2008 at 8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have started reading your blog on regular basis. I agree with ksmanch and walia ji. One shud life as it comes. face it bravely.

October 7, 2008 at 10:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have been going through your blog on regular basis.I wish to congratulate you for this superb effort.The topics being choosen are constuctive and give a real idea of how today we are behaving as a urban indians.
A lot has been dicussed recently about stress,how to handle it postively and how not to fall prey to it.But somehow i have a feling that it is certainly not very easy to differentiate between positive and negative aspects of stress.There is a fine line which demarkates both the conditions.i believe time has taught us to handle stress in our own unique fashion.This though has taken a tool of both our physical and emotional health,but if one keeps a positive outlook ,it gives you a sense of elation when u come out difficult situations,and they in turn prepare us to face next challenge in a better be POSITIVE and cheer up,after all we only have one life to live!!!!!

October 10, 2008 at 6:02 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Anil,

First i thought, i shall reply tomorrow, but comments need immediate answers. If we think, we have just " today " to live and there may not be any " tomorrow ",
lot of our mental stress problems can be solved. I am breathing this second, next second, i dont know, if i am there, we must have this attitude. Afterall, there is no bank draft, WHICH WE CAN CARRY and can be encashed at heaven or hell, when we leave this world. " Khali haath aye theey, khali haath jana hai". If we remember these lines, if at all we have a stress, will solve many a problem in our lives.

October 13, 2008 at 12:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

POSITIVITY , is the style mantra for today for dealing with the kind of stess we face these days..Stress starts at very early age in pressure, exam pressure, career hw do we cpoe with this????Being positive, taking things as they come, living moment to moment, being compassionate, loving each other, being urself.... very truly said,,,khali haath aaye hain khali haath jayenge. so why say WHY ME, but say Why not me?/

October 13, 2008 at 2:11 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Lavi,

Saw your comments after a long time. Your comments today are more than perfect. Forget stress. Enjoy life as it comes, as in any given circumstances, you cant do anything much. So, it is best to live with a postive bent of mind. I came back from Delhi, after 5 days. Nice and Fresh, to see your comments.

October 13, 2008 at 7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stock market is game of chance you win some you loose some simple game play with only that much which you can afford to loose and sleep overnight otherwise just invest in FDR

November 10, 2008 at 9:23 PM  

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