Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am a smoker myself. By banning smoking in public places, you cant take my right to do things, the way i want to ! Who has given you the blanket permission to ban smoking ? Have you taken the permission of the smokers, who are as good tax payers like any other ? Please get your own house in order first, before you make diktats. First, stop taking bribes from the taxpayers money. Corrupted people, dont have right to teach or preach, what others want to do with their lives !

My argument is that there is already too much government in our everyday lives.You must agree that people you are proposing to regulate are taxpaying citizens, with every right to enjoy the parks as anyone else. The second-hand-smoke theory is very loosely based on junk science, as so many things are these days. Common sense tells us that for a smoker to affect another person in a open space, such as the parks, he/she would have to be directly in that person's face. It is far more likely that dust and/or any number of other contaminants will be inhaled. If Minister wishes to be so Draconian, they should set aside areas for smokers, as smoking, per se, is not an illegal activity.


Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Dr. Rohit Om Parkash,

Thanks for your comments, sent to me by email. I know very well that you are deadly against smoking. You have welcomed the step taken by the Health Minister to ban smoking in public places. You took out your precious time to write comments, is enough for me as i am aware that you are a very busy man. I endorse your view as everyone has the right and opinion of his own. I would be most pleased, if you write your comments on my other pages. Dr. Rohit, you are an eminent doctor of Amritsar and very good human being. Why dont you do something to get eminent people like you on a common platform to fight corruption ? I would be waiting for your comments.

October 2, 2008 at 7:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am not a smoker but still i dont like our govts stand on this issue..i am not too fond of smoking but that does not make me stop being around people who smoke. everyone has a right to their kind of living & we are in a free country so we have full rights to do watever we wish to provided we abide by certain laws of our country. if govt wants to stop public smoking they should set comfortable smoking areas all over over so smokers can relax & chill

October 2, 2008 at 8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lavi,

Here i get one supporter, who acknowledges the fact, that everyone has a right to live his life, the way, he wants to. I know, smoking is bad for health but still lot of people die who do not smoke. I beleive in quality of life, not quantity. Live your life kingsize.

October 2, 2008 at 8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have seen your comments on smoking. i dont beleive in them. take the advice of your friend doctor.

October 2, 2008 at 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Deepak,

I think, it is Mahatama Gandhi's birthday, not a comments day. For the last 25 minutes i am answering queries of my friends and loved ones. You have your right of opinion. i endorse your views. But all people all not clones. Everyone is different, with his own views.

October 2, 2008 at 8:28 PM  

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