Monday, January 19, 2009


Pakistan has played a mastersroke and Indian diplomacy has failed miserably. Pakistan has been able to convince the western world of free and fair trial in Pakistan on people responsible for Mumbai terror.

Imagine a killer, setting up its own court, own prosecution, own defence, own judge and coming out with a free and fair trial ? The verdict is already out. Some small jehadis will be blamed for the Mumbai terror attack and all evidence will be cooked up to link them up and they will be put to jail for sometime, till everyone in the world, including India cools down and thus releasing the same jehadis from the jail. Business will be as usual, preparing for another attack on India. A complete eyewash.

Let us not even assume that Zardari is in control. Poor man-- he did not trust his own investigators to probe his wife's assassination--- he wanted Scotland Yard to do the job. Now he blabbers that if his investgators are satisfied, then he will initiate action against terrorists, sitting inside Pakistan. What a double-faced nation ?

India and the whole world knows, it is going be an eyewash. Has the world opinion and diplomacy gone disssray due to blackmail of nuclear Pakistan ? I think it has. Even a child in this world can tell you that Pakistan is the epicentre of terror in the globe. The worst commodity exported from Pakistan is terror. Have western nations been crippled by nuclear Pakistan ? The answer is yes. Every country on this earth knows what Pakistan is all about, but they seemed to be too scared to take any action, including India, which suffers humiliation and terror attacks repeatedly from Pakistan.

I can very well imagine the anger and frustration Of Asma Jehangir, human rights activist in Pakistan. She and her friends have to live with a double sword. While visiting India, the accusations of indian media and the torture of Pakistani authorities on them. The view of a common man in Pakistan is entirely different to Pakistani govt. They all want peace and trade with India and visa-versa.

A stable Pakistan is not in the interest of world peace,
leave alone India. Army controls the country and owns its

A significant portion of its GDP is due to army-controlled
entities (See: Military Inc - Inside Pakistan's Military
Economy, by Ayesha Siddiqa; OUP; 2007). One can easily say
that Pakistan economy and its Army/ISI are synonymous.

Unless this elementary fact is internalised, we are not
going anywhere. This implies we should stop talking of a
stable Pakistan since a stable Pakistan means multiple
attacks on many more cities of India by that rogue
organisation ISI, which is the core of the Pakistan Army
and the heart of Pakistan's economy.

Periodically, the Pakistan Army likes to present some
useful idiots (as Lenin would have called them) as elected
representatives and we swoon over such events.
India should take the following steps to destabilise the
economy of Pakistan:

1. Identify the major export items of Pakistan (like
Basmati rice, carpets, etc) and provide zero export tax or
even subsidise them for export from India. Hurt Pakistan on
the export front.

2. Identify the major countries providing arms to Pakistan
and arm twist them. Tell Brazil and Germany (currently
planning to supply massive defense items to Pakistan) that
it will impact their ability to invest in India. Tell
Germany that retail license to Metro will be off and other
existing projects will be in jeopardy.

3. Incidentally, after the arrival of Coke and Pepsi in
China, the human rights violations of China are not talked
about much by US government organs. Think it is a
coincidence? Unless we use our markets to arm-twist arms
exporters to Pakistan, we will not achieve our objectives.

4. Tell American companies that for every 5% increase in
FDI limit for them, their government needs to reduce
equipping Pakistan by $5 billion. That is real politics,
not whining. Let us remember that funds are in desperate
search of emerging markets and not the other way about. Let
us also remember that international economics is politics
by another name.

5. Create assets to print/distribute their currency widely
inside their country. To some extent, Telgi types can be
used to outsource this activity. Or just drop their notes
in remote areas.

6. Pressurise IMF to add additional conditionality to the
loans given to them or at least do not vote for their

7. Create assets within Pakistan to destabilise Karachi
stock market - it is already in a shambles.

8. Cricket and Bollywood are the opium of the Indian middle
classes. Both have been adequately manipulated/ controlled
by the D-company since the eighties. Chase the D-company
money in cricket/ Bollywood and punish by burning D-assets
in India instead of trying to have them auctioned by the IT
department when nobody comes to bid for it.

9. Provide for capital punishment to those who fund terror
and help in that. We have the division in the finance
ministry to monitor money laundering, etc. It is important
that terror financing is taken seriously and fully
integrated into money laundering monitoring systems and
this division is provided with much larger budget and human
resources. And it should coordinate with RAW.

10. Encourage and allow scientists/ academicians/ elites of
Pakistan to opt for Indian passport and widely publicise
that fact since it will hurt their self-respect and
dignity. There will be a long queue to get Indian passports
-- many will jump to get our passport -- since they will
not be stopped at international airports. It is rumoured
that Adnan Sami wants one. Do not give passports to all --
make it a prized possession. Let it hurt the army- and ISI-
controlled country. This one step will destroy their
identity and self-confidence.

11. Discourage companies from India from investing in
Pakistan, particularly IT companies, till Pakistan stops
exporting its own IT (international terrorism).

12. In all these, it is important that we do not bring in
the domestic religious issues. The target is the terror
central, namely Pakistan, and if there are elements helping
them here then they also should be punished -- irrespective
of religious labels. If Pakistan is dismantled and the idea
of Pakistan is gone, many of our domestic issues will also
be sorted out.

13. There should be " Military Encirclement " by India and America
through a rising presence in Afghanistan on western borders and
India on the eastern border. " Sandwitch " Pakistan should be
the strategy.

Will the Indian elite go for the jugular or just light more
candles and organise peace marathons and scream at the formless/
nameless political class before TV cameras ?

It is going to be a long haul and may be in a decade or so,
we can find a solution to our existential crisis of being
attacked by barbarians from the West.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you put in lot effort to write articles. What have you achieved.

January 20, 2009 at 7:47 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Brig. Nalwa,

1. If i wont be writing a blog, i would not have known good friends like you, and so many others. You wont be writing your comments, had there been no blog or platform. I have made lot of new friends like you, who write their opinion and comments.

2. I have voiced my opinion on issues like 2 Indias, corruption, terrorism and many other topics. It was only thru this blog, i was invited to attend the summit of eminent people of India, Forum Of Restoration Of National Values ( FRNV ). It is an excellent forum launched by the house of Tatas, who are the most ethical corporate houses in India. Their i had a chance to meet people like Kiran Bedi, Swami bhoominanda, force behind FRNV, T.S. Krisnamurthy, Kiran Karnik, ABJ Abdul Kalam, L.K.Advani, Som Nath Chaterji, E. Sridharan and many more eminent people, listen to their views About Corruption Free India and many other topics.

3. I learnt in this forum how to express your views without any fear, but without any hatred to any community.

4. FRNV is in touch with the Prime Minister and have expressed their views how to bring change in bureacracy and in the mindset of politicians, who have made vote-banks. The ball will start rolling.

5. All my emails and my articles are going to organisers of FRNV and they have welcomed some of my views, which need attention for the benefit of the country.

6. This blog has given me the motivation to do something for the country, in whatever little manner i can, although many articles are not being welcomed by the media, as my blog reflects the truth, which unfortunately our media is not showing. I am getting info from many friends like you, who want to expose something, thru my blog, Like Our media being sold out.

7. I have learnt a lot from friends like you, where i go wrong and what to write about. Terror is one thing, of which we all are worried about. I have some new friends in Pakistan who are sane and they exchange their views and endorse Indian stand on terror.

Nothing happens overnite. It takes time to change the mindset, with which we are living with for quite sometime. Atleast the ball has started rolling.

For your info, i am getting emails from new friends, whom i dont know and they are writing comments, if i go wrong somewhere. This is the miracle of democracy.

January 20, 2009 at 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the comment" what have you achieved"
Even Rome was not built in a day.
Vaneet go on , we love you for it.

January 21, 2009 at 1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terror! It is the worst thing, especially in India. And I sometimes wonder why only Pakistanis do such things? Do they get 'fun' in killing or injuring others?

PS. Why don't you write something about Obama. I heard about him in news. But KICK my political knowledge that I don't know much about him!


January 21, 2009 at 3:16 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Saurabh & Dr. Manchanda,

Thanks. Saurabh, Barack Obama is the 44th President OF USA. He took charge of his office Yesterday. He is the 1st black President, elected by Americans. He won the vote on a theme called " CHANGE ". He is young and dynamic and only time will answer that the hopes he has given to all Americans, do materialise or not. There were 2 million people gathered at Capitol Hill, where he took oath of office.

Dr Manchanda, even sometimes i feel, whether i have achieved something thru this blog ? Yes i have. Reunion of old friends and emails and comments of new friends. Otherwise who has the time to write comments in this world of over-communication ? Yes, Rome was not built in one day. I Wonder how much time our own Rome takes to change ? Change it will, but nobody knows, when ? Thanks for your continued support. It means a lot for me.

January 21, 2009 at 6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Vaneet,

Karmanneya vaddikaraste, mafaleshu kadaachana.........You are the light to bring in change. and it shall happen, Amen! Even BRIGNALWA@GMAIL.COM knows it, but his fears are understandable! Truth alone shall triumph, the evil shall be destroyed, be patient!We are no where near being a failed state, we shall emerge as the saviours of the world, for we are the most blessed of the Nations of this world - God lives here alone. Please keep doing what ever you are doing dear Vaneet.

January 23, 2009 at 1:40 AM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Cdr Khilari,

Thanks. Grateful. Sir, We all together will bring the change. With Cdr Khilari, Being a friend and an assest, we will bring the change, no matter how and when !

January 23, 2009 at 8:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

with the kind of support & appreciation you have got for this blog is an acheivement in itself..what other acheivements one wants..plz keep up your good least someone has stood up & raised his voice..buck up

February 6, 2009 at 7:45 PM  

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