Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Narendra Modi, Chief minister of Gujarat has been elected twice. He is the longest serving Chief Minister of Gujarat. He changed Gujarat from a below average state to a most developed state in india. As per the independent surveys, conducted by centre and western agencies, he has been chosen " THE BEST CHIEF MINISTER ". Ratan Tata rightly said " if you are not in Gujarat, you are not in India ".

He introduced many new programmes for the poor. His prograame was called Panchamurat ( 5 nectars ). It includes Jal Shakti, harnessing of water resources. Gyan Shaki, quality and coverage of education among the poor. Jan Shakti, development of human resources. Urja Shakti, power of energy sources. Raksha Shakti, security & well being of the people.

His Govt. has won 80 international awards, mainly given by UN and UNESCO. A senior leader of congress at the centre has compared Modi's efforts and has said, if Gujarat is not taken, as a part of India, then today's Gujarat is at par with Singapore and Malaysia.

During his tenure Gujarat has a 10% GDP, for the last 5 years, the highest among all states in india. All 18000 villages have round the clock, power, with internet broadband. Agriculture sector grew from 8000 crores to 34000 crores.

During the recent Ahemdabad riots, he was most calm. He never allowed even a single communal incident. His police cracked the bomb blast case in a record time, which has been acclaimed by centre also.

I think. he can be a good candidate for a Prime Minister of India, given a chance. He can transform India, like he has transformed Gujarat. He has that iron fist, which India demands today. Not soft policies of congress govt. at the centre.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

M the biggest FAN of Mr. MODI

September 7, 2008 at 1:05 AM  

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