Thursday, October 16, 2008


Before i write my final page on corruption, i would like to leave a breather, as sometimes these topics become a heavy dose to digest.

If i asked you " what did you eat for breakfast, some of you might be able to mention a few things that you ate. But if i asked you, how much each dish really tasted, you would have no answer.

The truth is that you are always in a hurry. Your tongue never tastes when you eat. Your eyes never see when you look. Your ears never listen when you hear. Your body never feels, when you touch.

Consider the simplest things you do. Shaking hands with people or visitors. How many times you shake your hands in a dead way ? For you it has become a mechanical action. Your hand is practically a dead man's hand. Your handshake is a dead man's handshake. Remember that all you do is to stretch your hands but never your being. Never has your inner being penetrated through it.

How does one do anything from one's being ? The answer is simple. Be in truth. When you live in truth, if you are truthful, there is no need to prepare a script, hold a mental rehearsal, or decide how to say something to another person. Consider the many ways in which you lie everyday. When there is no truth in you, it will reflect in your actions. That is the simple reason why love affairs often end in failure. How long you can continue to act out ? How long can you keep on preparing ? How many times ? How many days ? How many times you can remember what you said the previous time ?. Not more than once, certainly.

You see the truth comes out eventually. A woman says you have cheated her. And you say, she has cheated you. Both feel cheated by other. In reality, nobody is cheating. It is just that your true nature or reality has emerged. Love affair is like a dye and powder. When you go in the rain, colour changes as the dye runs. Black comes here, and white goes there. How long you can maintain the pretence ? Naturally the truth has to come out when you relax. When that happens, you are in a big trouble.

When you fall in tune with the truth, there is no need to remember anything. What you said before is irrelevant. There will be no problem of discordance. Then, there will be no fear of having to create the script. You can continue to live as you are.

Live in truth. That is the easiest way to eternal bliss.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Telling the not solely a matter of moral character; it is also a matter of correct appreciation of real situations and of serious reflection upon them

October 17, 2008 at 10:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is one of your best article till today...very well written..So many people we meet in our daily lives live a dead life . all thier actions their emotions are not reflecting their true personalities..its like everyone is " BAHAR SE KUCH AUR ,AUR ANDHAR SE KUCH AUR" Being truthful with your self is the most important virtue one can reflects your true character & gives you a feeling of inner bliss

October 17, 2008 at 12:56 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Dr. Manchanda & Lavi,

Thanks again for your positive comments. Dr Manchanda, from where do you get these fantastic words of expression ? Must learn from you. Lavi, thanks for rating my page, the best, till date. It is your love and your inputs, which make me write. Truth is the utimate bliss... no doubt about it. But how many of us follow it ?
We live in a false world of one upmanship. Where does it take us ? NOWHERE. W dig our own grave...

October 17, 2008 at 7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truth alone shall triumph, always, may be delayed in time. "Itminaan Basheed". No matter how hard it is to cope up with the truth due to its immediate, falsely seeming, repercussions, but it is the easiest way to deal with in any situation as you don't have to tax yourself into inventinting false excuses, which need further and and further lies to support them.But then, they say "Justice Delayed is Justice Denied". It is how you look at (truthfully)what "True Justice" is! it is good to have patience.

October 20, 2008 at 10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Cdr BB khilari,

Thanks for your comments. Patience is a good virtue but we have had lot of patience till now. we are silent spectators to what is happening in the country. Why have we become so selfish ? or i would rather say submissive ? Why dont we all act ? If this is our destiny, then be it, we have got no one to blame, but us.

October 20, 2008 at 7:24 PM  

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