On this subject I’m sure every body will support me except those who accept bribe and do corruption.
Why can’t we work sincerely without corruption?
Why we want money from other for performing our own duty??
Why Police want bribe for investigating crime and criminals?
Why we have to pay bribe to get documents from collector offices?
Why Service Tax / Sales Tax officer’s threat to penalize businessman for want of bribe?
Why only Middleclass and service class only pay higher tax and not others?
Why traffic police take bribe and leave the traffic breaker free without action?
I’m totally sorry for our India which once upon a time was land of honesty, satya, piousness, cultural, land where great Mahatma Gandhi borne.
Has our ancestors fought freedom to produce this generation which is so corrupt that they can not do anything without taking bribe.
I really feel that there should be some body like character in movie Indian of Kamla hasan who will kill these corrupt officers one by one.
Public should beat up corrupt people on open streets.
If 10 corrupt people will be killed, then 1000 will stop taking bribe and be corrupt.
Punish these corrupt people i appeal you my reader friends. Think and decide that we will not do any corruption, wont bribe anybody and will not take or accept any bribe.
Make a group , make a clubs; send a dummy client to sales tax, service tax, corporation, collector office, police station and identify corrupt officers and punish him in public place by humiliating him in front of public and declare publicly by announcement that this officer is corrupt officer.
few of these kind of incidents will stop 100 others to committee this thing again and again.
I want your support my reader friends.
You have our support wholeheartedly...WE definately need people who can raise their voice against the corrupt system of our society..plz kuch karo..
Dear Lavi,
I wish i could transform into the writer, whose pages i have reproduced. I would certainly not act like a Buddha, but kick him on his ass and would invite 100 more people to kick the corrupt public servant in one of the main chowks in Amritsar, so that after seeing the plight of the corrupt man, nobody dares to take bribe or make a patato, out of you.
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