If writing of swiss accounts of our politicians, bureacrats and businessmaen is wrong, then certaily i should stop writing about it. If media houses are sold out to vested interests, and write biased articles, then i think i am going too far.
If i write about communal card, used by our policians to divide us, am i wrong ? If i write something pro-hindu / Sikh which is the majority of India, do I become anti-muslim ? Its natural law of justice all over the world, that majority view be respected.
If our system has failed to provide security for all of us from terror and i write against it, then i am certainly be called harsh in nature. I really don't know how to be diplomatic. I think i must learn the art to be diplomatic in my writings.
If i write about 2 India's, one super rich and other ultra poor, which our system has failed to bridge the gap, then writing about it and pinpointing the govt for its failure, then truly i am aggressive.
I have written many anti-establishment articles, which are not taken in good taste by many, Should we all keep quiet about it ? never to discuss and criticise.
I would request you to please give your opinion about it in true sense, so that i can tone down my future articles.
Your comments and suggestions will really help me in introspecting myself and my articles.
My Dear Vaneet,
Your articles are just fantastic, calling a spade a spade and hitting the nail on the head. If some feel they are agressive, so be it; they are entitled to their own views. Please do not get dis-heartened by such opinions. They (The articles) are very factual and the need of the hour is to say in the way you pen them down. There is no need to be diplomatic in the present scenario. Truth is really bitter, difficult to digest, to comprehend and to deal with magnanimously.
Dear Cdr Khilari,
Thanks for your encouraging words. I am quite boosted by your comments and it is nice that you endorse that one should be factual and not be diplomatic. thanks again.
keep it up. Dont bother. you cant please everyone.
Dear Raj,
Thanks. Perhaps you have put your comments for the 1st time. May i request you, to know about you ? Probably you are right, you cant please and write what everyone likes. Yet another booster ! Greatful..
well sir i ve just read one article on swiss bank,being busy could'nt read others.but i speak about u to my friends (one of them knows you,as he is from amritsar).just keep it will get mixed opinions but that does not mean you change your cdr bb khilari said,call spade a spade.infact we need more people like you.
those people are pseudo-secularists who say such things about you. i agree with everyone's comments. Dont stop writing..
Dear Girish & Deepak,
I am extremely thankful to you for your comments. I think it is true that you really cant please everyone. People have different views on different issues. But i am of the firm opinion that majority view and majority community must be respected. Everywhere in the world, be it parliament or any elected body, majority always governs. I am missing my friends, Dr Manchanda, Ms Walia, Lavi, Vicky, Brig. Nalwa and many others who used to guide me in the past. Probably they are busy elsewhere. But i know, they will endorse my view. This booster comments have really helped me and the calls i was receiving from my other friends that i am being too harsh, have made my mind more clear. One should write, which one thinks is right, may be aggressive or harsh but the message must go that we are not siting ducks, who can be taken for granted, like in the past.
When a change needs to be made sometimes you have to be harsh and aggressive.Sometimes the same thing is considered harsh and at the same time anothere person feels it is soft or mild.To awake the sleeping / indifferent citizens of our beloved country from their sleep you have to jolt them by hitting hard on the head.Media is a way to educate them, but most of the media is pro or against one party.I only wish that a country like ours which is rich in its culture, history, resources, intelligensia,and many other things should be made to put its own house in order, even if the people governing the country have to be told to do their task in harsh and aggressive words. If the Govt/opposition has the will it is not difficult to see that every citizen of our country enjoys good health, decent living, education, shelter, job security so that his/her needs are fullfilled and not the greeds like that of politicians.The lethargy, corruption and the inefficency in the goverment sector should be made to stop.For that awareness and JAGOO BHARAT JAGOO needs to be done. Vaneet you are doing a good job and you have a good ,right thinking people behind you.
Dr Manchanda,
I am touched by your words and you have rightly put your opinion. I was quite sure, as a friendly instinct, that whenever you will write about something, will have logic and reasoning. I dont know what to say.. I am thankful to God, that i have great friends who speak the truth and support something, which needs to be changed. Aggressive or harsh language comes secondary. It is only the the right path we want our politicians to take for the betterment of our country, but sorry to say, they have not learnt their lessons as yet. Please keep on guiding me in future too as your opinion is very valuable to me, which i take in high esteem.
i dont think calling a spade & spade is being calld aggressive.
people who are weak hearted themselves say wrong things on your articles..i think coming out & saying the things what you write about is a thing of courage & intelligence,,plz dont stop & keep up your good work..let dogs bark..they anyway will do
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