Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I wrote my last blog article last year in April, 2009. Suddenly Facebook happened to me and i stopped blogging.. Facebook is extremely good in making like-minded friends and you tend to develop a bond as a family with friends who have the same agenda.. My main motive to to join Facebook was to meet friends who share the same feelings and love for the country, which i am proud of.

I started Facebook Groups like GET INDIAN MONEY BACK FROM SWISS BANKS AND INDIA RISE, VEDIC MANTRAS as a Creator. I got a tremendous response from friends who think on the same lines as me.. I became a part as Administrator on Groups like HINDU RENNAISANCE and HOMELAND FOR KASHMIRI PANDITS. I could interact with my friends through my articles and receive their feedback which is quite positive and i learn a lot from them.

The only thing which we lack is the implementation of our thought process, which is very important for the idea to gain roots on the ground. I hope one day, i may be able to do that too, once the idea starts taking a concrete shape.