The problem is in our vision in trying to see things as what they should be rather than what they currently are. Unless we acknowledge that the current democratic system is not achieving the desired results, we will not think about how to change it. We are still waiting for a future date when the system will give the desired results, and not conceding that the system has been ineffective for the past 60 years. The case is not so much for a dictatorial form of government, as it is for any form of government or leadership that will achieve the desired economic and social progress in the country on a continuous basis. A few pertinent questions are: -
What is the use of giving a mass of people acepower in the form of voting when freedom in the more basic sense does not exist, where daily life is a fight?
What is the sense in having a system that changes its philosophy and track every 5 years and does not ensure uninterrupted progress, with no room for mid course corrections? We all know, we have 2 Indias. One extremely rich. Ambanis etc. and the other, a majority living below poverty line, striving for one meal a day ?
Where is the clarity in tackling real issues by any of our ace elected representatives? Where are the deliverables?
In India, the democratic system has given birth to a band of people who have no national interest in mind and the opportunists have cashed in. It is clear that democracy in the real sense has not existed, unless you consider only the system of voting once in every 5 years as democracy.
When Emperor Asoka ruled India 2500 years ago, every person lived a contented life during his rule. Did that system of dictatorship (called dynastic rule) not work better than our idea of democracy? It is obvious that only the front end is working, but the back end is incomplete.
The past 60 years are proof of the little progress we have made on various fronts. It is mainly because the average Indian still considers himself distant from the entire nation building process, except at election time. Is this the democratic process we are adamantly supporting? Democracy as a system will not work in nation of people with no national interest, unless we admit responsibility for our fate. It also seems that Indian politicians are afraid to progress and become efficient, because as time progresses one may find that they are redundant.
It seems like freedom wars of some sort will continue to happen in India ad infinitum, ad nauseum, whether it was freedom from the Mughals, the British and now, our politicians like Laloo Prasad Yadavs, Mayawatis etc. who are someday aspiring to be PM. There is a saying that goes, If doing a particular thing, does not give the desired result, then stop doing it. The same goes for a system that just does not work. Reinvention is the name of the game.
It is an example of the cargo cult metaphor which is the institution called democracy. Voting every so often to elect representatives that sit in a great big hall to decide matters of national importance is the front end. The deep backend requires an informed public at a minimum. Even under the best of circumstances, aggregating individual preferences is a risky venture as students of public choice theory will appreciate. (See Ken Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem.)
In the case of India, we have a cargo cult democracy. It looks like one with electronic voting machines and election speeches and manifestos, with pollsters and pundits, with election commissioners and voting stations. Only the deep backend is missing. There is no understanding of issues of substance among the people who vote. Put up a name which is recognizable, and they would vote for or against that name. Promise enough freebies (free electricity, for instance) and they will vote for you, never mind that it may bankrupt the state and that eventually it will impoverish the same voting public.
For democracy to work, you need accountability — both among those who vote and those who are elected. In an area where the government is seen as a source for endless handouts by the people, and the leaders look upon their stint in the driving seat as an excellent opportunity to steal from the public, democracy is not likely to work. All the talk about the smart voter is so much hogwash that the mind boggles.
Do we want this kind of democracy ? When I see images of political leaders on TV everyday, I feel disgusted. They have no ideology, values. Ethos or national character which an Indian asks for. Maulayam Singh Yadavs, Amar Singhs, Sharad Pawars, Lallus, Mayawatis, Jayalalitas and many more like them are traders in the garb of political parties. Congress and BJP, two main parties trying to make seat adjustments with regional parties, just to grab power, nothing else ? Each one of them want their pound of flesh. We the citizens like dummies watch, listen and read about these wheeler-dealers everyday and do nothing about it ? A full platform of vote trading happens in front of us and we like impotents cant do a thing about it !
I shun this kind of democracy and I want change. It is a mockery of democracy and trading going on, like we see in the stock market or while you are buying your daily vegetables or fruits. Trying to bargain with a vegetable vendor.
I want to change this forever…. This is not my India, I wanted.
Dear Vaneet Kundra,
You have brught out the true colours of Indian Democracy very nicely, but missed out on the bureaucratic set up that has been created by the polity over the years. They are hand-in-glove with the politicians in looting the country. While the lateer when elected to legislate and Govern are totally incompetent and lack the knowledge and vision to legislate, are corrupt and deceptive, the former on whom the politicians solely depend on for advise, are equally incompetent and inexperienced, in their areas of postings, apathetic, indolent, inefficient, arrogant and corrupt and yet all of them rise to the levels of joint secretaries and many become secretaries. While the former have interrupted tenures of 5 years at a stretch at the most and their next future is un-decided, the latter languish in their jobs continuously till they are entitled to be senior citizens. Both are equally responsible for the mess that our democracy is in today, most often the latter escaping the brunt of accountability and responsibility. Was any bureacrat in the security set up or the Home Ministry held responsible or questioned for the 26/11Unless horrific attack on Mumbai? Unless we strive hard to bring in a total change in the political ideology, we will continue to make a mockery of democracy.
It may be pertinent to mention in this context, that the autocratically evolved socialistic vision of Late Smt. Indira Gandhi, with a deceptive slogan of "Gareebi Hatao", which is being followed by the Congress dedicatedly to date, was aimed at fooling the public at large and destroy entreprennual growth that could have really effected growth and prosperity of the country.
This mistaken ideology, also influenced by communism encouraging ineficiency and apathy, bureacratic inertia, red tapism and the Licence Raj, have created the degree of corruption that exists today in all sections of governance, bereft of concerns of the citizens plight and growth of the Nation. We need a person with a vision and a determination to bring in a revolutionary change in the following areas:
Basic political ideology,
Administrative Reforms - change in the basic recruiting system to match with the one followed for Defence officers, strict disciplinary action against the apathetic, inefficient and non-performers and cleansing out the inbompetent at each stage of their carear
Revival of the complete electoral system to icorporate state funding of elections, preferetial voting rights to citizens for various levels of local bodies commensurate with their levels of education (eg. Illiterates and those up to primary level can vote only local panchayt representatives, who should be at least Higher Secondary passed. These representatives and those with education above primary level can vote for District level reps, who should be at least undergraduates, These District Reps and those educated above Higher secondary level can vote for the MLAs. For, MPs, who should be undergraduates and at least 5 yers of experience in any profession, including political rep, only reps of the districts and all graduates should be allowed to vote. Such a practice exists amongst many parties for their internal democracy/
Revolutionary changes in the security set up including Police reforms with strict implementation of service rules
Revival of the Judicial system to give it more teeth and to deliver unambiguous justice; Fully empower the Lok Ayukta to take prompt judicial action prosecute politicians, bureacrats, police and other Govt. servants, who hitherto escape despite enough evidence.
Reforms on the norms and practices followed in media reporting without infringing on the rights to expression and information to the general public.
If the above basic reforms are brought in to foce deligently, I am confident that the rest of the large number of issues can be dealt with dedicatedly and efficiently.
Your demand for change and shun the existing form of democracy is perfectly legitimate and needs to be applauded in the context of your article. But, how do we go about it? Despite having been engaged with discussing how to bring about a change, pleading against corruption etc. for over six months, we now are in the face of yet another electoral drama with the same opportunistic and ill conceived alliances, sale of tickets to contest for huge ransoms, deceptive speaches and false promises, spending beyond twenty times the expenditure permitted by the CEC, with lots of liquor flowing, distribution of money and goodies for votes. There are roumers that voters will be given even photo imaging mobile sets with which the voter has to prove he has voted the party to retain the set, while others who show evidence of voting with photo will be rewarded with 1000/=Rs. It may take umpteen number pages to describe the various type of corrupt practices involved. But how do we deal with all this?
Cdr Khilari,
We all are a disgusted and a frustrated lot, seeing the dirty election scenario on TV and newspapers. Kanan Jaswal, a friend and an associate started a small experiment of a petition to be signed by common people to get ill gotten money from swiss banks, back to India. He sent many reminders to all of us to sign the petition for a national cause. We both forwarded the petition to our email contacts and got a average resoponse but not the kind we had anticipated. A patriot should have signed the petition on the first request taking a serious view of it but i am extremely sorry that many people chose to ignore to read and sign the petition, inspite of repeated reminders. We people are equally to be blamed for this kind of attitude " Chalta hai ". Why should we sign the petition ? Reasons could be many. We are fearful and a closed set of people, who do not even try to change the scenario. What can be done for these kind of people ? They are so self-engrossed in their own selfish interests, that they do not have the guts to sign a small petition.
I am deeply pained to see the indifference shown by most of us. You signed it, forwarded to many of your friends for their signatures. I did the same thing. But the rest just slept over it. We deserve to be ruled by incompetent people as slavery is in our genes. We dont take a stand for anything. I am a sad person today as it will take centuries to change the mindset of the people who are like wandering cows to be nailed by anyone. The dark tunnel is too dark and it will take a lot of time to see a new dawn. This is the 1st time, i am feeling so low..
Hello Dear Vaneet,
I can understand the anguish and frustration that your going through. But please don't give up! You are a great source of inspiration to me. Yes, true, the response to the petition forwarded by Kanan Jaswal wasn't very encouraging. I had myself forwarded it to over 500 contacts: I've to check from the list, who have responded. I hope it is not too late to forward for more signatures, which I shall now do seeking my daughter's and son's help also.
I want you to know about one Sanjeev Sabhlok, an ex-IAS officer, who quit in disgust due to rampant corruption around him, but could not fight it inspite of his best efforts, tried to get into politics to change the system and bring real freedom for the citizens and couldn't succeed. He has become an Australian citizen and is in the Administrative Services of that country for the past 5 years, but hasn't given up hopes to bring in change in India. He has written a book "Breaking Free of Nehru, Let's unleash India. You will find the preview of the manuscript (which contains 50% of the text) at the following site. KKindly go through it, it's very interesting.
Also visit the following site to know more about him:
Cdr Khilari,
I have read the text, but not properly, as i am busy these days in preparation for my daughter's wedding on 9th may, 2009 in Delhi.
We are all living on hope and i really dont know how we common people can break the nexus between corporates-politicians-bureacracy with rampant corruption in all spheres. I am of the firm opinion now, that we are a scared lot, busy doing our daily chores and really interested to contribute for change. I really dont know, if at all we will get our Obama, who atleast sold hope and change to Americans. He seems to be doing fine at the moment, but his name has been registered in history as 1st black President of the most powerful country in the world. We have only one hope, i may be biased in my view and that is Narendra Modi..Man of substance.
All the best for your daughter's wedding. I have always enjoyed reading your opinions.
Dear Renjith,
Thanks for your compliment and your good wishes. I was out of station, so could not reply earlier. Friend, tell me about you. Perhaps, this is your 1st comment. Would be happy to know about you.
Dear Vaneet Ji, I share your pain for the state of the Nation.Likeminded people's one single alliance can give effective solutions to most of Hind's Problems.Keep it up Sir.!Sateash Jain.actindia@mail.org,actindianowinitiative@gmail.com
Thanks.. Sateash ji.
We can feel the pain but cant do a thing.. We are people whose hands are tied and we can only show our frustration.. I wonder, why cant we assemble under one umbrella for our very own " Long March " like Pakistan. We must learn from our enemy. The Pakistanis took to roads to re-instate Chief Justice Chaudery and the state had to bow in front of the public anger. Cant we do this in India ?
Vaneet - Bulls Eye. You are a great wordsmith and was able to reflect true state of the happening. Bottom line we must get rid of Gandhi and Nehru Legacy.
Billa Bhandari
Thanks, Billa..
You have to take the first step to cover thousand miles.. We have yet to take a first step collectively..
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