They connote a philosophy, a system of governance, which has swept across the globe, laying low many a king, feudal lord and dictator. Not all autocrats and despots have disappeared yet, but the idea of people’s power has certainly shaken them.
Democracy is a necessary means of empowering people; however, to the extent it is restricted to voting, it is far from sufficient. Electoral democracy has many limitations — even drawbacks — especially when it degenerates into majoritarianism or unregulated licence. Oppression of the few by the many is, unfortunately, not an unknown by-product of democracy. Ironically, the reverse — small organised groups of hoodlums holding the majority to ransom (as in many bandhs and strikes) — is also facilitated by “democratic freedom” and encouraged by vote-bank politics. If empowerment of every individual is the goal, it is necessary to go beyond mere elections and ensure: participatory democracy; tolerance and encouragement of diversity in life-style and thought; decentralisation of political and economic power; and equitable access to information, communication and education.
Decentralisation — through the creation of a third level of formal governance by constitutional amendments empowering panchayats and urban local bodies —and the Right to Information Act have, together, given a huge boost to grass-roots democracy and accountability. Potentially, these are revolutionary steps in truly transferring power to the people. Yet, the actual realisation of this is stymied by many obstacles and sometimes contradicted by other measures. The rich and powerful continue to enjoy special privileges and wield influence completely disproportionate to their numbers; they also appropriate a far bigger share of public expenditure than is justified. The plight of the pedestrian is a good metaphor for this.
Political netas and corporate leaders are hardly ever seen walking in the streets of our cities (though a few do run on them during marathons). Therefore, pedestrians — mostly the ubiquitous but indefinable “common man” — get short shrift. Over the last few years, the motor car has been getting ever greater precedence over the pedestrian and the cyclist.
Footpaths have been shrinking in a flurry of road-widening projects, and even existing cycle-lanes have disappeared. An attempt in Delhi to give precedence to cycles and buses through dedicated lanes (as part of a bus rapid transit system) has met tremendous resistance from motorists. Fortunately, following its success in Delhi, a “metro” (train) system is now being put in place in major cities. However, one is not sure if this is a genuine recognition of the dire need to create mass public transportation systems, or is merely the flavour of the day.
The doubt about decision-makers’ serious commitment to efficient public mobility arises from the contrast between the hundreds of crores being spent on fly-overs and road-expansion in cities, and the distinct miserliness and lethargy with regard to procurement of buses and facilities for pedestrians. The priority for cars at the cost of pedestrians is evidenced by the “free left turn” at traffic signals. While this facilitates the movement of vehicular traffic, the resulting continuous flow means that a pedestrian wanting to cross the road must either be capable of out-running Usain Bolt, or be a great believer in re-incarnation! Pedestrian over-bridges and sky-walks would be solutions but these, unlike the proliferation of fly-overs, are a rarity. Escalators and lifts to help the aged or differently-abled to use overbridges — where they exist — are, of course, unaffordable, unlike fly-overs! Pedestrian subways are but few; in Delhi, the aspiring world-class city, they are so filthy and unsafe that no one uses them. This, but naturally, does not bother decision-makers.
In contrast, in many cities around the world, the pedestrian is getting increasing importance — and space. In London — a second home to many of India’s rich and powerful — the width of the foot-paths on Oxford Street, for example, is probably double that of the road. Despite the very heavy traffic and constant congestion, no one even thinks of widening the road at the cost of the foot-path. In many other cities, particularly in Europe, large areas are “pedestrian-only” zones. The result, despite adverse weather for many months in the year, is far more walkers. Most people there walk to and from the nearest station or bus-stop. In contrast, our shrinking, uneven and often non-existent footpaths discourage walking. Those who do walk are often left with no option but to use the road — disrupting traffic and risking injury. Little wonder that Indians prefer to use a car even for short distances. On the other hand, London and Singapore, amongst other cities, levy steep congestion charges on cars entering designated parts of the city, thereby discouraging use of private transport while reducing pollution and traffic density.
In most countries, public authorities and vehicle drivers respect pedestrian rights, giving walkers the right-of-way in many situations. In India, cars run on fuel power, but also on feudal power: they assume almost divine right-of-way everywhere. Government’s actions — through its investment policy, priorities and its disdain for pedestrians — reinforce this sense of superiority. Even in Mumbai, a city in which the offspring of the upper-classes too used to travel to school or college by bus or the “local” (train), the change is perceptible; driven, doubtless, by the neglect and decay of a public transport system trying hard to retain its legendary efficiency.
To make “power to the people” beyond mere cliché, what better way than by empowering pedestrians? Here is an opportunity for the central and state governments to work closely with the third tier, the urban body, and initiate a major exercise in pedestrianisation; to put this in the same class, and with similar priority and resources, as building fly-overs or modernising airport terminals. Industry and civil society must play a major role in shaping this new societal architecture and life-style, one that is environment-friendly and empowering.
The article is written by kiran Karnik. I am sharing it with you
I am in complete agreement with the sentiments of Kiran Karnik because I have witnessed the plight of pedestrians trying to cross India Gate's famed C-hexagon and other important roads in cities like Delhi and Mumbai. Because of a spate of fly-overs and grade separators, traffic does not ever stop and the pedestrians have to endanger their lives in crossing the roads or even having to walk on them since there are no pavements.
Despite the booming population of motorised personal transport, about 90% people in India are still either pedestrians or cyslists or users and pullers of cycle rikshaws, but there are no separate lanes for them. They are completely at the mercy of lawless motorists, who think that they own the roads.This great democratically elected government and its predecessors have given only one right to the pedestrians and cyclists - the right to die on the roads.
Kiran Karnik talks of the Oxford Street in London but there the difference between haves and have-nots is not so pronounced and in-your-face as in our great republic.
I am all for giving power to the pedestrians and I am all for showing respect for laws and rules. I feel that for 61 years this country has been run without any regard to laws, but enough is enough. It's never too late to wake up!
Dear Kanan ji,
I was quite impressed by the article of Kiran Karnik, so wanted to share with my friends. I hope you are aware that our group in Facebook " GET INDIAN MONEY BACK FROM SWISS BANKS " has enrolled 30 members till today. Though the speed is slow as many people dont want to associate themselves with this topic, due to fear of backlash from politicians, which is unfounded. "Mumbai terrorist srike" group on the Facebook, enrolled 35,000 members. We are still in the mode of only " condemning " and " Lighting Candles ". I am sorry to say, that the genetic problem of thousands of years of slavery fear has not been erased from the people's mind. I know, you wont agree with me. But the physche of our people is full of fear and they have not come to the mode of ACTION, which they should have by now, seeing exploitation by politicians and bureacrats in all fields of life. We are stll far away from doing any action. Has india witnessed any kind of revolution so far ? The history tells us a big NO. There have been french revolutions, Russian revolutions and many other in history but Indians have always remained fearful and destined to their fate. This is the irony of India and Indians.
Really a conscious stirring write up. Thanks to you for bringing the feelings of Kiran Karnik upto your community. I am proud to be one of your friends, Mr. Kundra. I also agree with Karan Jaswal that majority of the people in India are pedestrians and the motorists care a scant for their lives. Our leaders should pay attention to change the environment rather than the individuals. Macro level attentions will definite imrove the lot of the pedestrians.
Dear Prof Keshap,
We are actually all pedestrians, although possessing cars and scooters, in no manner makes us above the actual pedestrians, who actually walk on the road. Any person, not having even 1% say in running the administration, be it local, state or centre, is a pedestrian. All these politicians, bureacrats and corporate houses are big cars on the road. The moment you want to cross them or check them in any manner, you are most likely to be killed on this dirty road of politics.
Me and Kanan Jaswal have launched a movement in shape of a group in Facebook website called GET INDIAN MONEY BACK FROM SWISS BANKS. We have been able to enroll approx 35 members to support the cause. Today Dharnas do not work. It has to be a cyber awakening campaign to educate the voters, who are already educated. These 35 members are opinion makers who will pass on the message from top to bottom. I would request you to become a member of Facebook website and endorse the movement. Rome was not built in a day. It will take lot of time for people like you and me to educate and awaken people from their slumber.
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