Friday, October 31, 2008


63 bomb blasts in 7 states over 7 months. Thursday's bombs were the the most powerful this year in Assam.
This will deepen the fear phychosis that has grippled people following the frequency of terror attacks across the country. In the past few years, we have seen Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai and Jaipur devastated by attacks of growing intensity. It would seem that no sooner are the fires put out at one terror attack site, that the next one is upon us. Irrespective of who is behind these outrages that have taken the lives of so many innocent people and maimed so many others, the chilling fact is that they are increasingly polarising society. Communities have become suspicious of each other, ethnic groups are pitted against eah other and political parties are at each other's throats.

The so called resilience with which people would pick themselves up and get on with the business as usual is being stretched to breaking point. But there is no excuse for our political leadership to exploit each tragedy as an opportunity for one-upmanship. Those perpetrating these terror attacks seem to understand how divided our polity is on this issue and are taking advantage of this.

At a time when the very social fabric of the nation is under threat, political parties have to put aside differences and send out a signal that those who have taken innocent lives will be hunted down and brought to book.

Tomorrow i will write about the efficacy of the " Cat " system of Police, counter- terrorist operations, which can to a large extent, eradicate the terrorism in our country. These are unconventional tactics to locate terrorists and neutralise them. Unusual circumstances, demand unusual methods. These tactics have been successfully deployed by a few countries, where terrorism was rampant, and they have been able to neautralise terrorists to quite an extent.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I am reproducing a text printed in Free Press Release website, by an ordinary citizen like me. You can see the anger of a common man. We people put our views in a more decent manner, but the crux is the same.

On this subject I’m sure every body will support me except those who accept bribe and do corruption.

Why can’t we work sincerely without corruption?

Why we want money from other for performing our own duty??

Why Police want bribe for investigating crime and criminals?

Why we have to pay bribe to get documents from collector offices?

Why Service Tax / Sales Tax officer’s threat to penalize businessman for want of bribe?

Why only Middleclass and service class only pay higher tax and not others?

Why traffic police take bribe and leave the traffic breaker free without action?

I’m totally sorry for our India which once upon a time was land of honesty, satya, piousness, cultural, land where great Mahatma Gandhi borne.

Has our ancestors fought freedom to produce this generation which is so corrupt that they can not do anything without taking bribe.

I really feel that there should be some body like character in movie Indian of Kamla hasan who will kill these corrupt officers one by one.

Public should beat up corrupt people on open streets.

If 10 corrupt people will be killed, then 1000 will stop taking bribe and be corrupt.

Punish these corrupt people i appeal you my reader friends. Think and decide that we will not do any corruption, wont bribe anybody and will not take or accept any bribe.

Make a group , make a clubs; send a dummy client to sales tax, service tax, corporation, collector office, police station and identify corrupt officers and punish him in public place by humiliating him in front of public and declare publicly by announcement that this officer is corrupt officer.

few of these kind of incidents will stop 100 others to committee this thing again and again.

I want your support my reader friends.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


As we go thru our daily life, we expect better things to come our way. We dream that when that better thing, or person, or event comes along, we will renounce all our old habits and possessions and move on.

Some people take this foolishness to great heights. Let us say, one is tempted to consume alcoholic drinks. That person may suppress that desire feeling that drinking alcohol is a sin and that it would lead him to hell. He believes, if he stops alcohol on earth, he will ascend into heaven. He will then be entitled to his share of the divine nectar of gods. Based on what we have been led to beleive, will happen after our death, many of us lead our lives today.

Even as we lead our life on earth, facing its everyday challenges, we are constantly worrying about what will happen after we die. We think, by suppressing our desires, through some form of penance, we shall get a better after life. I say to such people: "don't be foolish. Who can tell us if the drink in heaven is better than on earth ? Who knows that ? Who knows, if we will get a drink in heaven at all ? And who can say if it is of the same quality or quantity ? Please understand that i am not encouraging you to drink. I am asking you to examine your intentions.

This is the state of our life. We lead our lives expecting something better to come from somewhere, sometime, and thru someone. The simplest and more profound problem this habit brings is, that it stops us from living in the present. It completely obliterates our living here, now, upon earth. We are setting ourselves up for a life of disappointment and stress. We think that we are going to get somthing better elsewhere. We keep hoping that an event of great significance will happen in a place far removed from where we are.

Drop these thoughts. Dont suppress what you wish to do now with the anticipation of getting something better, something more, elsewhere. If we beleive that we are giving up something for a better thing, or exchange it for more than what we had, we are merely speculating.

Instead, let us enjoy that we have now, without worrying about what may happen in the distant future. Let us cultivate the practice of living in the here and now. Let us remain in the present. When we are totally in the present moment, it expands filling itself with endless possibilities. Living in the present keeps us in Bliss.

Monday, October 27, 2008


These days, in our country, its so much easier to see the swarms of flies in the hate and pain, we inflict on one another, yet the knowledge of Buddha-nature potential in each one of us has to sustain us. A contemporary teacher of Buddhism, has said: " I think as a species, we are innately friendly. Our natural bent, our natural inclination when we are not threatened or frightened is to befriend and to console and to appreciate other people ". She defines happiness as...a feeling oneself in warm relationship in that way, in friendliness, with other people, with one's self,, with people that we know, and with people that we dont know, with people that we hear about in different parts of the world in different situations and we feel that our heart goes out to them ".

Happenings of the last few years place before us the worst of human nature, and also the very best. But we read, view and hear more of the former than the latter. We need to share more stories of those who would not give in to misused power, those who offered compassion to others in the midst of of personal horror, those who placed their humanity before their religious differences. We are hungry for these reports because at times when its so easy to forget, they remind us of what it means to be fully human.

May be we are making a mistake in striiving to become good, become compassionate, become fair, just to become anything. Because all we need to do is to remember that the gift of humanity we are born with, our true human nature is that innately, we are good, we are compassionate, we are fair and just.

Only when we get past the forgetting of this and the numbing fear that allows hate-mongers to influence us, can we be what deep down we truly are from the start.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Diwali has'nt been hit. You can see the lights from your window as your flight comes in to land at night. They say a single light is all it takes to banish darkness. Why zillions strung together at festive times, the monster blackness beneath the plane glows like a giant bill-board, lots of dots, burning orange on black.

As your plane gets nearer to ground, you notice lots of well-lit windows and doors---all open--- meant to welcome the Goddess of Wealth, who supposedly loves to travel at night on her owl. But is'nt that bird inauspicious ? Not really. How can anything blessed by the Goddess be unlucky ? The owl is not just an economically correct bird. It is ecologically correct as well. Just think of the savings it creates for the farmer by feeding on rats.

As for the festival of lights being celebrated in Maximum city, there is more to Diwali than just praying, for auspicious gain ( shubh labh ): where there is light and right action, can other virtues like health, wealth, daring, and exhilarating happiness lag behind ? For achieving all that, good means are as important as great ends. That may explain why Sri Lakshmi, the presiding goddess of the festival, is also the reigning deity of good goals ( lakshya ) and prosperity in its eight-fold aspects called Astha Lakshmi or 8 incarnations. These other seven are Dhanya Lakshmi, wealth of granaries, that of arms ( Dhariya Lakshmi ) and of royal elephants ( Gaja Lakshmi ), not to forget wealth begotten ( Santana Lakshmi ) and prosperity thru battlefield victory ( Vijaya Lakshmi ) or due to knowledge ( Vidya Lakshmi ). The 8th is the goddess of good fortune ( Dhan Lakshmi ).

Nor does the worship of the Wealth Goddess on the day of Dhanteras preclude the quest for other aspirations. The 4 arms of Mahalakshmi, for example are said to represent the 4 main goals ( human life, namely, desire ( kama ), commerce ( Artha ) and ethics ( Dharma ) Leading to LIBERATION ( Moksha ).

The mother Goddess and her 8 manifestations represent the harmony of charity balanced with acqusition as well as desire tempered with liberation. So go out and have a blast on Diwali.

Let each one of us, pledge that from this Diwali, we shall light one " Diya " each, of liberation and freedom and get rid of this corrupt system, choking us, until the next Diwali, when it arrives with a new Dawn of enlightened India with a New Face.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Doubtless, there exists, in this great world, in abundant measure, great and inspiring writings besides specific injunctions on worth-while living. The question however arises, " Are these truly and practically applicable ? " The answer to this is yes or no, depending on how these are put to use and applied.

When such resources are read merely fot titllating the intellect or plain entertainment, the result could, at best, be a temporary motivation. Sooner or later, the person concerned could slip back, thereby limiting the scope of these resources to mere theory or just pleasant literature.

However, when the seeking aspirant, after identifying those pieces of writing or exposures, which would suit him best, integrates these in his personality, these could transform his very nature. He would thus obtain immense practical benefits, from within and without. By harmonising the different aspects within and thus being " in touch " with his real self, he commences to touch the lives of others too, radiating clarity, cheer and warmth all over, obtaining also for himself effectiveness, harmony and clarity in his prorities.

This also is the process of knowledge being translated into experience, in line with the biblical concept of " faith and works "

In fact, inspiring writings and great books assume newer and greater dimensions, especially when these are savoured more than once. Exchanging ideas and discussions in the earnest company of those, who are spurred with that urge for creative and effective living ( satsang ), is also a powerful aid in this regard.

These indeed abound all over for the benefit of the aspiring individual !

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Raj Thackeray is the latest Raj to achieve some degree of notoriety / fame in India. Despite what his supporters claim, though he is rather insignificant when it comes all things Raj. the biggest and the baddest of the Raj franchise is undoubtedly the British Raj. No Raj, even Thackeray, can hope to command the same amount of loathing and fear that was commanded by this all powerful RAJ. Then there is goonda Raj--- the rule of criminal gangsters in slum dwellings.

Next there is this idiomatic usage baap ka Raj---father's rule. This is probably the most used Raj of them all, since any fight you witness whether it is bus station or a parking lot is likely to have the idiom thrown in. Then there is Ram raj, which alludes to an ideal indian state, an anti-thesis of the baap ka Raj, which politicians refer to in the hope of getting votes to have the right to do Raj in the parliament. Plenty more in the Raj franchise stand head and shoulders above Raj Thackeray. To name but a few there's panchayat Raj, Raj bhavans ( large palatial bungalows, where famous political stooges are housed ), Yash Raj Films, which has more fan following among the youth than any other Raj. Given the head-start and the brand equity that many of these Raj franchisees have on him, it will take a lot more than beating up a few north indians for this Thackeray to become a force in the world of Raj. That Raj Thackeray is no more than a wannabe is best summed up in the words of another famous Raj, Raj Kumar who once drawled " Jaani, kauva jitna bhi uper ude, hans nahi ban sakta hai "

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


While the entire world is facing financial turmoil, it is important that black money stashed away by prominent indians e.g. politicians, big corporates and bureacrats should come back to india to get relief from liquidity crisis facing our country. Most of the black money is stashed away in the Swiss banks.

It is said, that this money is not in millions but trillions, which has been created by corrupt indians and lying dead in swiss bank accounts.At this moment, we need not discuss the source of the money lying there because it will start another debate. Today India needs cash and liquidity to get over financial crunch. If there is a miniscule of patriotism left in these indians ( which i doubt ), they should get that money back to ride over financial crunch facing the country today. The Swiss banking laws keep these accounts secret, so if at all the indian investigating agencies try to probe into it, is a futile activity. Who will order a probe otherwise too? Hire a thief to catch a thief ! Not possible.

The indian swiss account holders should hence come forward voluntarily with this illegal money, keeping in mind their personal interest too. If country collapases financially, their future means to earn black money are also stopped. If there is no money left in the system, black or white, does not make any sense. The window to earn constant black money also dries up, with financial collapse.

It is estimated that approx. 1500 billion dollars are lying in Swiss banks, owned by indians, which means 675 thousand crore ( at the rate of Rs. 45/- p. dollar ), calculated. It is mind-boggling. In its report, the Swiss Banking Association has put 5 countries at the top, who have put their black money in their banks. People from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri lankans. As per report, India tops the list with 1456 billion dollars. Russia 470 billion, UK 390 billion, Ukraine 100 billion and China, poorest of them all, only 96 billion dollars is stashed away in safe havens ( banks ) in Switzerland. If you combine 1500 billion dollars of indian black money lying in Swiss banks, then 45 crore indians will get Rs. one lakh each.

According to Mr. Kuldip Nayyar, an eminent personality, journalist and ex-MP claims to have met one of the leading swiss bank manager in London, while he was ambassador to UK. As per the swiss bank manager, the money of indians lying in swiss banks is so much that 10, Five Year Plans of India can run on that money. That means, that indian govt. does not need taxpayers money for another 50 years.. I would like to enlighten you further, this incident relates to times, when India was facing acute foreign exchange crunch and Indian govt. was forced to put its gold as guarantee to borrow money, from Bank Of England to meet its foreign exchange needs.

How to coax these politicians, bureacrats and big houses to bring back that much desired money, back to india ?
Threatening them, would not work because nobody knows or has a clue about it, except Swiss banks. It is time for the dynamic Finance Minister to act, if he wishes to. If Finance Minister declares that most of the money, these indians can keep with them, the majority of the money can come back into the indian financial system. It is time to declare VDS ( voluntary disclosure scheme ). Finance Minister can further give a boost to this cause that no questions will be asked about the source of that money, which comes back to India.

If one third of that money is given to the govt and two third they are allowed to keep with them, these " Patriots " will listen to the call of their" Motherland " and will also be left off cheaply without any questions asked. Obviously, all the money left with these patriots will become white too.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Indian govt. and politicians may have failed the country but Indian Entrepreneurship is today regarded as one of the best in the world. Indian companies have taken over many foreign companies, which were ailing, and turned them around. Lakshmi Mittal, is one such living example. The list is endless like Tatas, Mahindras, Suzlon and many others, have left their mark in the international business. These indian companies are truly global companies today.

America Inc. seems to be loosing ite brand equity--- and not just on Wall Sreet, local subsidiaries of US , MNC's, once at the top of the aspiration-heap in the indian job market, are suddenly the least --preferred lot. Headhunters are having a tough time convincing potential candidates that even perfectly solvent and profitable American subsidiaries will be able to survive the financial turmoil back home.

Consider some instances, When a Mumbai based head-hunter approached a candidate to join as business head in an established American pharma co, he met with great reluctance. Similarly, when a candidate was approached for a medical director's position in another American pharma co. with a smart sign-on bonus, he flatly refused to join.

The current financial ferment in America has taken the sheen off its corporate invincibility. Just a few years back, this kind of decision would have been unthinkable. So far, the American turmoil was restricted to financial service companies alone, but as the liquidity squeeze starts to hurt globally, the scare is spreading to others sectors as well. Headhunters say, increasingly candidates are either displaying hesitation or are just saying no to such offers.

For American companies, this fortune flip is a 180 degree change from their usual gilt-edged reputation in the job mart. Earlier most people would jump at the opportunity to work for one of them. But these days, one spends more time trying to convince the candidate that the co. is financially stable.

Many American subsidaries, which are established names in India, may be seriously affected by the health of their parents and their exposure to the financial crisis, back home. Since the extent of that exposure is often not very clear, candidates are apprehensive about signing on. The recession in the US is making people reluctant to join American firms.

In fact,, executives are either sticking to their jobs or are more willing to join indian firms rather than western ones. Candidates are getting attracted towards large indian groups instead of MNC's in india. Also traditional brick-and-mortars sectors like manufacturing and engineering are back in vogue.

After Asian firms took over a couple of American companies, candidates do not mind compromising on salary just a wee bit if they get a job security in return. In this topsy turvy world, a salary in hand is worth more any amount of than unpaid bonuses.

Monday, October 20, 2008


A Great man has said, spend some time with yourself every day listening to the inner voices and those sublime promptings in the form of writings, speeches, incidents, persons, relationships or experiences, which have made profound impact upon you. Gradually allow the analytical capacity within, to synthesise itself into a meaningful and tangible course of action and living for yourself. Consistency and clarity, which would naturally result, could set the process for the next logical step of living out a truly fulfilling life.

People are often confused between visualisation and imagination. Imagination and visualisation are not the same, they are 2 different things or states of mind. Visualisation is creating your own future. It is about creating that which is possible, not merely thinking about, but also starting to work for it, towards it.

To visualise, you need to have a systematic method, a solid process to follow. What does this mean ? Look at it this way. If you can visualise yourself 10 kms ahead of the path in which you are travelling, it is absolutely certain that you can reach there. This is what many sports persons use these days to achieve the near impossible. They keep visualising step by step what they need to do sitting in a chair, and later they replicate in the field.

On the other hand, if you imagine, you are floating in the sky or flying, its just a dream. Imagining that, which can not happen, just fantasising, is no way going to help you. It is merely dreaming about your future. Just dreaming and fantasising is no way going to make your wishes a reality in future.

Visualisation is reproducing the reality of the future now and here, without self-contradiction. In the last phase of his life, a great Master was asked by doctors to eat only a certain type of rice and grains. His cook was bored out of her wits. She told the Master. " It is boring to cook the same food. Are you not bored by eating the same food ? "

Master replied: " No. I dont eat the same food everyday. How can i eat the same food everyday ? Once i eat, it is over. Every meal i feel, i know, is new meal. What i see in front of me something different each time ".

Visualising creatively, seeing the same thing differently each time can enrich your life. Every moment is a new moment. This is the way a child sees the world around her. She is fascinated by the wonders of nature that we adults take for granted. A child just visualises her experience, whereas an adult verbalises the experience and misses the miracle, that is nature. To make up for this loss, an adult needs to fantasise.

We have many kind of choices in our lives. One of these choices is about how to live. We can choose to live in dreams or in reality. There is only one choice for this. You can decide to live in now and here in reality, or nowhere in dreaming.

In my case, i really dont know whether i am visualising or imagining, something may happen in future. I think, it is certainly more of an imagination of an corrupt free society and country. Big changes rarely happen, however hard, you may try. But accidents do happen, like the latest one, of financial meldown all over the world. I wish, this kind of accident happens in India too, which can change the face of corrupt polity in our country.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The crime of the century. The greatest one ever. Author Danny Schechter calls it "Plunder." The title of his important new book on the subprime and overall financial crisis. Economist Michael Hudson and others refer to a kleptocracy.

The world as we know it, is changing. Industrial capitalism. The entire global economic system. Interconnected. What affects one nation touches others. If the troubled country is America it reaches everywhere, and if the crisis is great enough, the disease may be fatal and human wreckage catastrophic. Precisely the current dilemma that world leaders and financial experts are scrambling to figure out. Desperate to contain, and not sure what, if anything, can work. How did this happen and why?

The result of unfettered capitalism's fatal flaw - unbridled greed in a rigged system that rewards the few at the expense of most others.

. A global asset bubble. A predictable crisis allowed to build and mushroom. Begun after Chicago School economics took hold under Ronald Reagan. Continued under GHW Bush. Became religion under Bill Clinton, and ultimately fundamentalism under GW Bush.

The result - a "slow motion train wreck" gaining speed. Banks and other financial institutions failing globally. On September 25, the largest bank failure in US history with Washington Mutual's collapse. Earlier it was giant insurer AIG. Before that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and Merrill Lynch a forced liquidation to Bank of America.

Others are now teetering on the edge. Strapped by toxic debt. The result of out-of-control greed for easy profits. Massive fraud to get them. Thinking they're the best and brightest, Knowing , and learning that the Federal Reserve (the world's key central bank) failed in its primary job. To protect the country's financial system from insolvency. By contributing to a financial crisis and one of confidence. By creating near-limitless amounts of capital. Fueling a housing bubble. Outsized consumer debt, and irresponsible investments free from government oversight. Fraudulent ones involving multi-trillions of dollars.

Risking a global economic meltdown as a result. Scrambling to find solutions. Unsure if there are any. The present crisis is unparalled. Maybe it can be fixed, and maybe not. The problem is multi-fold. A perfect storm involving: --
residential housing; -- commercial real estate; -- consumer over-indebtedness; -- unknown amounts of toxic debt (in the multi-trillions); -- affecting world finance and economies; -- causing bankruptcies; -- many more will follow; -- selected ones bailed out; -- the entire system endangered; --

Consumer money market, bank accounts and private pension funds as well; government backing is needed to protect them; there's not enough money to do it; and -- the contagion is spreading; threatening world economies and people everywhere.

This time is really different. A $700 billion bailout (called the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - EESA) is just a down payment. Trillions will be needed in the end. Other nations contributing to help. The problems are deeper and more intractable than anyone expected. Before this ends, unimaginable amounts of capital will be written off. Too much to even contemplate. Bad investments contaminating good ones. Threatening world financial structures with paralysis. Severe economic damage to their economies as a result.

Eroding industrial capitalism as we know it. At best managing a short-term fix and delaying a final denouement for a later time. And unmindful of millions of homeowners facing foreclosure and bankruptcy. One in ten currently behind in their payments. Others losing their jobs and way of life. They're the most vulnerable. Least able to cope, and for some their ability to survive.

On his own initiative, George Bush usurped supreme power post-9/11 while few in Congress blanched. None in leadership positions. Little today has changed.

Wall Street is pleased. Paulson got what he wanted. The plan's fine print will assure it. Public money. Far more, if needed, than $700 billion. The power to dispense it freely..

Clearly the present crisis is unprecedented. As stated above, maybe it can be fixed and maybe not. No one is sure because no one understands it fully. Where all the problems lie. To what degree can they be contained. How great their fallout may be. Their full effect on world economies. How bad things may get before they stabilize and improve, and the way the world will look like when they do.

Whatever's coming, industrial capitalism is eroding. A kleptocracy replaced it. If the system is saved, it will be temporary, and an even greater one will emerge. Why this is called Grand Theft of America. A criminal class runs it, and they're rewarded for their crimes.

For over 30 years, an unimaginable wealth transfer to the rich has been ongoing. To the top 1% and corporate America from most others. It proves the failure of a system that rewards the few at the expense of the many. Licenses greed and creates this kind of global financial crisis so far uncontained. It begs the questions: what caused it and what's the fallout: --

The ruinous effects of militarization; insane amounts of spending on it; "military Keynesianism;" believing capitalism thrives on foreign wars; "Global Wars on Terrorism" currently; their costs are unsustainable and are heading the nation toward bankruptcy. --

The subprime crisis is just part of it; seven million mortgages sold to the unwary; the idea was to criminally defraud them; offer two-year teaser rates; then reset them higher semi-annually based on an interest rate benchmark; payments soared as much as 30% and became unaffordable; the scheme was to cash in at the expense of mortgage holders, and five million risk losing their homes and life savings;

Business conspiracy for global dominance and the single-minded pursuit of profit; unfettered amounts of it through cleverly manipulated schemes; transferring multi-trillions of dollars from workers to the most wealthy; doing it without people even noticing.

Even before the current crisis, Goldman was the preeminent Wall Street firm. A survivor. The largest, and along with Morgan Stanley, the remaining two Street giants left standing. But no longer as investment banks after the Federal Reserve's September 21 announcement that both companies will become bank holding companies after a mandatory five-day waiting period, now over.

In theory, they'll be under stricter Fed oversight but will get Fed help to complete their transition and thereafter. As a well-connected financial powerhouse, whatever Goldman wants, Goldman gets. Always in the past by recycling top executives into Democrat and Republican administrations, and now more than ever given Henry Paulson's extraordinary financial czar powers.

Before his $700 billion giveaway plan, the 2008 Housing and Economic Recovery Act gave him authority to fleece taxpayers by rescuing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as raise the national debt by over $5 trillion dollars. He also orchestrated the demise of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual. The forced sale of Merrill Lynch, and arranged the government takeover of AIG. .

Paulson earned millions and now has an estimated $700 million + net worth. For 2007 overall, according to, "Wall Street's five biggest firms (paid out) a record $39 billion in bonuses (and did it in) a year when three of the companies suffered the worst quarterly losses in their history and shareholders lost more than $80 billion."

Why else would Warren Buffett bet $5 billion on the firm! For preferred shares paying an annual 10% dividend. Warrants as well to buy $5 billion in common stock at a $115 a share strike price. Well off its $251 peak and below the latest September 26 $138 a share.

A crisis "so great that no one knows exactly the magnitude of the risk they face. It is particularly bad because our financial institutions are based on trust. You put money in the bank and you trust that you can get (it) out, so trust is absolutely essential for the functioning of our financial markets and economy."

Stiglitz calls this a "top down crisis." The "$3 trillion cost" of foreign wars a key. Creating huge deficits and consuming vital resources needed for growth. "This is the first war in American history that has been totally financed on the credit card. For the last five years....we have been a debt economy." Not since the Revolutionary War have "we have had to turn to foreigners," so now "40% of our national debt is financed by (them). Even as we went (to war) we had a big deficit, and yet the president called for tax cuts for upper middle class Americans." Insane but we did it.

Another factor is other countries trusting that our economy is working well, and when the president says it is he's believable.

Stiglitz worries about the "real economy:" home prices dropping; owners forced into foreclosure; more financial firms in crisis; and a good many won't survive. He sees a weakening financial system unable or unwilling "to provide credit (the lifeblood of the economy for) loans, mortgages," and that means lower home prices, contracting businesses, rising unemployment, and a "downward vicious cycle. You have to be in fantasy land to say that everything is fine (or even) that we have turned the corner." He sees at least another 18 months of pain. Maybe longer. Who can know or how much. .

EESA will give the treasury secretary near-carte blanche powers to conceal fraud and help the fraudsters, including his former company, Goldman Sachs, now in trouble. Pick and choose among others. Which will survive, and what less favored ones will go on the block at fire sale prices or disappear. Today there are 9000 banks in the country. In a decade, half or more of them may be gone. .

The Two Greatest Ever Financial Crimes - Today's Fraud and the 1913 Federal Reserve Act's Privatization of Money Creation

Most people think the Federal Reserve is a government agency, subject to its control. It's sometimes mistakenly called a quasi-governmental decentralized central bank to disguise its real identity and purpose. Its Eccles building headquarters compounds the subterfuge. Below it's stripped away.

The Federal Reserve is a private for-profit banking cartel. Owned and run by major banks and Wall Street in each of its 12 Districts. It was created and operates in violation of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution that states that Congress alone shall have the power to create money and regulate its value. In 1935, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress cannot constitutionally delegate this power to another authority, but, in fact it did.

The Federal Reserve Act gives private bankers the most important of all powers. The one most of all that governments should never relinquish. The authority to print money. Control its supply. Its price through the Fed Funds rate and how it influences the whole yield curve. Loan it out for profit, and charge government interest on its own money. It's later returned minus operating expenses and a guaranteed 6% profit. Taxpayers foot the bill. An early and continuing example of wealth transfer from the public to powerful bankers. Illegally sanctioned by Congress and the president.

The Fed literally creates money out of nothing. Expands or contracts its supply as it wishes - with no government oversight or control.

Given today's crisis, that faith is fast eroding and is to blame for dollar weakness. Mostly because of profligate policies by private bankers running the country's monetary policy for their own gain. The grandest of grand thefts along with today's all-consuming fraud. Backed by the full faith and credit of the government, and up to now at least, with most people none the wiser. .

Chossudovsky is blunt about the possibilities. The 3rd Infantry's 1st Brigade is for combat. It's not the National Guard or local police. It's trained for war. "Equipped to kill people" with potent weapons, and a last hurrah scheme may be planned to divert public attention from the financial crisis. A "terrorist" attack with "chemical, biological" or other dangerous weapons. A possible pretext for martial law at a time the administration and Congress are vulnerable. When people are angry about Washington protecting the privileged. Partnering with them in crime. Defrauding the public and stifling dissent. Moving one step closer to tyranny and away from silly notions about democracy. Proving crime indeed does pay and awfully well on Wall Street. "It's the economy, stupid." Theirs, not ours.

The above article is reproduced, written my an eminent American economist

Friday, October 17, 2008


We have had lot of " Corruption " talk, now lets get down to business. Economy has taken a centerstage throughout the world including India. Apart from the economic meltdown world over, which i will write later, when the dust settles down and clearer picture emerges, let us talk about economic figures, given by Govt. Of India. This will be interesting reading for business friends.

Reliability of macroeconomic data released by the govt. on weekly and monthly basis has been LONG QUESTIONED. But the unexpected slump in industrial production, particularly manufacturing, in August, 2008, has brought the problem to the fore once again. INFLATION and INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION data have been suspect for several reasons. One, the basket of items that form the basis for measuring both inflation and industrial production has not been updated after the base year was shifted to 1993-94 to reflect structual changes in the economy's production and consumption patterns.

Far too many items, which are not commonly consumed such as typewriters, have excess weight in the IIP while increasing popular household items such as electronic gadgets are underrepresented. Two, data suffers due to poor response from the manufacturing units and inability of the collecting agencies to get timely response. That was experienced earlier this year when steel companies delayed reporting revision of prices. There is now a debate over whether the ACTUAL INFLATION rate, going by the GDP deflator is a few percentage points lower or higher than the WPI ( wholesale price index ) index reflects. The IIP data is also prone to wide fluctuation as it includes items where there are very few producers. It also does not capture large part of UNORGANISED SECTOR.

Given that this DATA forms the basis of policy response--- both fiscal and monetary--- one wonders how sound such responses are. Further, what should be the measure of inflation for the purpose of monetary policy conduct---WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX, CONSUMER PRICE INDEX or the GDP inflator ?

In today's uncertain economic climate, data accruracy is even more critical. The govt. can do its bit by updating the base year for IIP and inflation data every 5 years and improving monitoring of data collection as suggested by the National Statistical Organisation. The industry cant, meanwhile, abdicate its responsibility. Companies must share data on actual production and revision of prices, if they want better policy response.

Thus, the datas published by the govt. periodically will always remain doubtful. The datas are given after seeing the country's state of affairs, but not on factual basis. Next time when you see datas on CNBC, dont beleive them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Before i write my final page on corruption, i would like to leave a breather, as sometimes these topics become a heavy dose to digest.

If i asked you " what did you eat for breakfast, some of you might be able to mention a few things that you ate. But if i asked you, how much each dish really tasted, you would have no answer.

The truth is that you are always in a hurry. Your tongue never tastes when you eat. Your eyes never see when you look. Your ears never listen when you hear. Your body never feels, when you touch.

Consider the simplest things you do. Shaking hands with people or visitors. How many times you shake your hands in a dead way ? For you it has become a mechanical action. Your hand is practically a dead man's hand. Your handshake is a dead man's handshake. Remember that all you do is to stretch your hands but never your being. Never has your inner being penetrated through it.

How does one do anything from one's being ? The answer is simple. Be in truth. When you live in truth, if you are truthful, there is no need to prepare a script, hold a mental rehearsal, or decide how to say something to another person. Consider the many ways in which you lie everyday. When there is no truth in you, it will reflect in your actions. That is the simple reason why love affairs often end in failure. How long you can continue to act out ? How long can you keep on preparing ? How many times ? How many days ? How many times you can remember what you said the previous time ?. Not more than once, certainly.

You see the truth comes out eventually. A woman says you have cheated her. And you say, she has cheated you. Both feel cheated by other. In reality, nobody is cheating. It is just that your true nature or reality has emerged. Love affair is like a dye and powder. When you go in the rain, colour changes as the dye runs. Black comes here, and white goes there. How long you can maintain the pretence ? Naturally the truth has to come out when you relax. When that happens, you are in a big trouble.

When you fall in tune with the truth, there is no need to remember anything. What you said before is irrelevant. There will be no problem of discordance. Then, there will be no fear of having to create the script. You can continue to live as you are.

Live in truth. That is the easiest way to eternal bliss.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


How do we reduce corruption in the government by incentivising government employees?

Interesting idea. But the methodology has to be carefully thought out. We have the culture of corruption. We simply have to monetise it.

USA is also corrupt? Not to this extent. Imagine a traffic cop in India with the powers that the cop in the USA has. There if you get a ticket your insurance shoots up. Yet how many cops accept a bribe and let you go? Hardly any. Here it would be 90% with that kind of power ! Insurance rates in India dont even change with tickets received yet cops are so corrupt

So tackling corruption should be a multipronged approach

Step 1) Increase emoluments of government workers like cops and judges etc. Make it so attractive that losing the job is bad news

Step 2) The above can be done thru a system of incentives.

1) Make a percentage payable to the concerned department for every project that is completed on time and within budget. This money will be distributed among those in that office. (This will prevent the wrong contractor being given the job for monetary considerations)

2) Give judges an incentive for each case that is settled within the allotted time

3) Give cops an incentive per 100 FIRs lodged and a bonus for each year where there is less than 1% cases that have not been solved. The bonus is given to that police station where the distinction has been achieved (so there is an incentive both to lodge FIRs and to solve cases). Every Police station has to try its best to meet both criteria

Now there will still be some Policemen or other government employees who will want more owing to their power and greed.

So a 'whistle blower' program has to be initiated.

Anyone reporting corruption will be rewarded and the people from that department itself will come forward since they lose a lot of incentives if one of them is corrupt. Incentives are reduced for departments where corruption has been discovered and not reported by the employees themselves.

A mandatory five years imprisonment is compulsory for any corrupt worker (apart from seizure of all earnings since inception)

So if more roads are built by the Road Construction department on time and within budget- incentives will accrue to that government department

Similarly more power plants, airports and ports created, cases solved, crime reduced - more the concerned department earns through incentives. Since these projects have huge values the amount given to the government employees also will be substantial.

If rules are bypassed the new 'efficient' courts and Police will take over and corruption will be uncovered or 'assumed' to the detriment of that department.

Anonymous websites will enable 'Whistle Blowers' to reveal the corruption of their colleagues secretly. Anti Corruption squads (ACB's) will jump into action to investigate. ACB's will be rated on the number of successful cases handled per year and will be extremely high paid individuals so that their honesty is unquestionable

This will slowly result in the near elimination of corruption from government. Once this occurs the best people will be attracted to this profession. We will have a new breed of government employees who will be professional and ambitious and efficient.

Political appointments will cease since transfers and appointments will be removed from the ambit of politicians.

Without corruption black money will be reduced in the country. Tax collections will surge.

Politicians will be given a percentage of all incentives given to government employees for election funding. So they will approve more projects. But if they approve useless projects they will lose elections since goonda power will be impossible with the new 'efficient' and independent police.

So the politicians will be careful.

Loans will be forthcoming from anywhere in the world due to the new effciency of the government. Hence a new breed of honest politicians will emerge.

With the new effective 'delivery' system (owing to better policing and better government services) subsidies can be removed and replaced by discount coupons redeemable in any store. The savings to the nation will be substantial. Even after paying the politicians incentives for election funding the taxes can be reduced. This is because of the huge reduction in black money supply and the corresponding increase in tax collections.

The increase in tax collections will more than pay for the increase in payments to government servants thru the incentive system

The education system also can be rejuvenated thru the incentive system. The greater the number of kids who pass thru the school system the greater the incentives. However the incentives will not be paid if the kids do not pass a simple exam given to all kids.

This way a public- private partnership can be created which will give companies which 'adopt' schools tax benefits for the number of students who go on to college from their 'adopted' schools.

This way we can incentivise our government and make it a very lucrative and paying job. And make our government more efficient. We can also remove black money and increase tax collections this way. Politicians will be less likely to be corrupt since their election funding is taken care of. They are less likely to use goondas to win elections

since the police will not support them anymore. Politicians will focus on thinking of better projects to win elections

But beware those who remain 'corrupt'.

Jail, humiliation and poverty awaits

Imagine a more efficient government and a less corrupt India !

We can do it and become a world superpower !


An NRI friend of mine visited me at my home. Over drinks he talked about what he called a ‘ tragic’ experience’ he had, when he visited India a month earlier.

‘What was the tragic experience ?‘ I asked expecting the usual tirade against delays at airports, corruption and such other staple topics of NRI conversation.

‘’I met a businessman friend of mine in Mumbai. I asked him how he could sleep in peace when he and his companies had borrowed such colossal amounts from banks and institutions’ he said.

‘But’ I added ’ that is how businessmen grow anywhere in the world’.
‘What shocked me was his reply’ said my NRI friend ’That guy coolly told me that when he had borrowed so much money it is the lender who loses sleep’

My friend felt this was an example of the irresponsible Indian businessman.
Being a good host I did not tell him the facts of the case.

It is obvious to me that no business can grow anywhere in the world without funds coming in from people other than the promoters. Even a school boy in India will tell you that there is nothing wrong with using resources from banks and the stock markets. It is a fact that lenders and other investors in a company have a large stake in the business. The businessman friend from Mumbai was just placing facts in a matter of fact way. It does not mean that he was about to scoot with all these funds—he has been around for more than thirty years and has every intention to leave a grand legacy.

But there is another way of looking at this episode that I wish to dwell on. When NRI’s from the US tell you in patronizing tones such things as irresponsible businessmen from India they do not tell you of Chapter 11, bankruptcy in the US which enables a businessman to wash his hand from all his dues to any lender. In all such cases it is the lenders who lose far more than the promoter businessman. Sounds familiar to something you have heard before? Yes this is what the aforementioned Indian businessman was referring to in a lighter vein.

What is more the Americans have come out with a law to try and prevent businessmen from MISUSE of Chapter 11 ! So to me, sarcastic comments about Indian businessman seem one sided to say the least.

I have just come across a news item in the Washington Post that says that the sugar industry leaders in the US have attended luncheon hosted by Congressmen –each lunch is priced at several thousands of dollars. These are the American sophisticated methods of bribing the politicians.

Back home in India our sugar lobby would do the same in an unsophisticated manner—suitcases containing cash would be placed below politicians’ tables, bar girls would humour them and so on. But the purpose would be the same—to influence policy.

Why single out our businessmen alone for being corrupt? Our Indian media gleefully publishes reports of India’s ‘high’ ranking in the corruption index released by Transparency International. Once this report is released articles appear in papers and panel discussions are held in TV channels at which ‘ experts’ savagely attack our politicians and bureaucrats, Few of these experts who are forever comparing India with the US tell us that " Americans have reduced corruption through an ingenious method—they have legalized the passing of money to politicians." This legal method works through two ways—lobbying and donations. One of the most sought after professionals in the USA are ‘ lobbyists’ who earn fabulous salaries. Rajiv Gandhi contemptuously called such Indian lobbyists " power brokers "

They are an indispensable part of the America scene. These lobbyists use the same methods that Indian power brokers use—money, sex, foreign trips, house remodeling etc.

The US has legalized what we in India call ‘ bribery’. But if the amount of money that is channeled to politicians in the US every year is classified as bribing then " then US would be far more corrupt than India. "
It strikes me that India also ought to legalize certain dealings that cannot be eradicated.

Let us just talk of the cricket series between India and Pakistan. Any kid in the subcontinent will tell you that a match between these countries is the mother of all cricketing battles no matter what the British or Australians say. Thousands of crores of rupees will be at stake in the betting ’ racket’. No amount of policing can prevent this betting. No doubt there will be some allegations against Dawood Ibrahim and some ‘ investigation’. But we know from past experience that nothing will ever come out of these ‘ investigations.’ Why not the Government legalize betting and allow an approved body to conduct a betting scheme along the lines of a lottery? Some counties in the US are able to carry out several civic projects with the millions of dollars raised from lottery schemes. People in India might well prefer to patronize these approved betting schemes rather than deal with shadowy underworld thugs.

However we are caught up in a make believe world of fake morality.
How can we legalize betting...Chee chee Chee’ I can hear some people say. It reminds me of Gujarat where millions of people imbibe alcohol but when you ask politicians why not scrap prohibition laws, they say
Chee Chee Chee..this is the land of Mahatma can we scrap prohibition’?

To which i can only say :
‘Where was your reverence for the Mahatma in 2002, the year of the Gujarat riots?’

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


While people are needlessly debating whether we have decoupled from the US or will somehow, gods willing, escape the global financial meltdown, there is ample cause to feel proud of things right here at home. This has to do with the psychological decoupling we have achieved within the nation. In effect, we have unhinged ourselves from that embarassingly communal, violence-prone part of the nation. Not to mention the countless millions, the starving, the destitute, who never were part of of any financial system anyway. The latter, in fact, can be cited as sufficient proof that any global collapse will largely leave us untouched. Kudos to us.

Thus nuns can logically be raped, temples and churches understandably burnt and communal riots rationally erupt like pestilential boils across the face of the nation. But we genuinely feel it's not for us. It's someone else.

So, we dont quite understand even when the finance minister himself has to spell it out that neglecting weak people, will alienate to terrorist attacks. The news gets buried in two inches somewhere in the inside pages. If only the FM had said something financial-like, we understand that quite well. We have DECOUPLED. Grand new nation !

Monday, October 13, 2008


While i was in Delhi for 5 days, I happened to attend a party in one of the elitist clubs of Delhi, where eminent people from different professions get together in the evenings for a social interaction, play cards or they enjoy their drinks in the pub. I came across 2 senior army officials ( retd. ), one high ranking air force guy ( retd. ) and 3 businessmen, one of them an eminent personality, in the same party. All of them were concerned about the latest events taking place in our country, specially bomb blasts and law & order situation in the country. One of them described all this as a pattern, the other attributed it to a foreign country, trying to de-stabilise India and others were putting in their bit. But all seemed very concerned.

I wonder why these discussions remain limited to AC halls and nothing happens on the ground ! I had all the intentions to ask them that instead of talking, which we all do, about the turmoil, why were they not doing something on the ground being powerful people, who had a standing in the society and resources to act upon ? But being a guest myself and unknown to most of them, i did not find it appropriate and prudent to embarrass them. But since I have their visiting cards with me, I will certainly email this page to them.While returning back to Amritsar in Shatabdi, i did some introspection and came to the conclusion that hoodlums have taken over our country.

On the economic front, as India expands into global terrains, a centrifugal force is gathering momentum. This force however, is being pulled back, through an equally strong centrifugal force that looks inward, is fragmented and savage in its execution. The most high-profile wart of this centrifugal force is the Nano's undignified exit from Singur. Ratan Tata had said that Mamta Banerjee had pulled " the trigger on his head ", forcing him to move out of West Bengal to Gujarat.. Ealier L.K. Chaudhery, CEO, of a foreign company was beaten to death by his own workers in Noida, some 20 minutes away from the national capital.

North Indians are being targeted in Mumbai by Raj Thackeray and his Sena as an investment into future elections to garner local votes. A young journalist dies a mysterious death in Delhi and its Chief Minister, Sheila Dixit says, women should not be " adventurous " and that companies, not the police, should take responsibility for their safety. Never has the need for law and order as the first and foremost electoral expectation of voters been so high, so acute. As this anarchy gets political support, we are gradually being pushed into a corner, where an unvoiced frustration with governance is systematically eating into our democratic and civilised innards. With weapons in the hands of a small clutch of ineligible political aspirants, the man on the street has never been in as much in physical danger as on today. Lawmakers are breaking the law as if it's their birth right. Those whom voters have entrusted with democratic power and white car privileges--- and with them the responsibilty to provide law and order----- are all but numbed into submission under this new force gathering strength, issue by issue, in state after state. And our freedoms (" Today terrorists are being worshipped ") said Justice J.N. Patel referring to Raj Thackeray who, in turn, instead of feeling the fear of the law is brazenly asking the court " to define a terrorist ".

The West Bengal Chief Minister Buddadeb virtually offered a free hand to Mamta Banerjee and her mob to stop workers seeking nothing more than an honest day's job from working. The Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Desmukh is standing still watching non- Maharastrians citizens of India being beaten and threatened, their businesses, taxis and trade being destroyed. Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has nothing more than to offer, just lofty words to Christians being mauled in the state.

We, the silent majority have allowed this small band of hoodlums to decide whether, we have the right to work, to religion, to celebration, to life, to love. A leveraged buyout is underway where a small bunch of private interest groups cobble together to create visible damage for maximum impact. We are being forced into believing that violence is the currency of political or social intercourse in a modern, trillion dollar economy. These mobs and their political masters need to be dragged under the purview of the law, before this belief system becomes a mass religion.

In the last elections, with a focus on economic growth, our attention moved from " roti, kapda aur makan " to " bijli, sadak-pani ". Its time now to go back to basics and devise a new slogan around " suraksha-kanoon-dand " and implement it ruthlessly. POLITICAL PROFITS ARE GUARANTEED.

Until thast happens, can anyone tell me whare i can buy a gun ? DO SOMETHING. KUCCH KARO !

Monday, October 6, 2008


We all want to feel good and avoid discomfort, boost pleasure and reduce pain, but one of the greatest afflictions of modern life often preventing this is stress or, more accurately, disstress. Not all stress is harmful, in fact some is positively beneficial and essential to our survival and happiness----the good stress. Effective stress management is about handling life in ways that help us minimise distress while capitalising on the benefits of good stress. A key area of your belief system ----one that will significantly affect how you react to what life throws at you----- is where you think control over yourself is located.

If you believe that you have control over your feelings, and atleast partial control over the events that shape your life, then you have an internal locus of control. People who have an external locus of control typically act and react in number of ways that increases their risk of distress.. They tend, for example, to talk of " unfairness " or " unjustness " and view themselves as " victims ". They become overly distressed when exposed to unwanted events or circumstances. After surgery or ill health, they recover slowly, tend to avoid their usual activities for long periods, and fail to engage in problem-solving behaviour to change the circumstances they dislike.

I have seen many people make significant changes in their typical ways of responding to life by learning how to change self-defeating attitudes and develop self-help techniques.

I have added a few lines today morning. Today everyone in the world is directly or indirectly linked to the stock market, may be in shape of stocks, mutual funds, pension funds, ULIP's etc. With the recent meltdown, specially yesterday's carnage in all stock markets in the world, this page co-relates itself. You are not the " victim". Everyone of us is affected. These are circumstances, beyond our control. Stock markets are for the " Braveheart ". If you think, you are a braveheart, keep calm, and let the dust settle down. If you are a weakheart, still you cant do anything. So keep patience. After a long dark night, there is always a dawn waiting...

NOTE : If you are true '' braveheart " and a true " Die Hard ", then this is a blessing in disguise. We can take SIP route ( systematic investment plan ) or STP route ( stock transfer plan ) in mutual funds to make a " killing " in the stock market, in years to come. I cant be a die hard, if i wish to , as i have a my daughter's wedding coming in a few months. I am already a" Braveheart ", not wanting to be !

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Why not think on the lines of making a " Professional Political Party " ? If professionals can handle big companies in india and abroad effectively, why cant they handle india ? Some companies abroad have a higher GDP as compared to india. If these guys can handle such huge companies, then handling india will not be a problem for them.

With time it does appear that the present political leadership in India is not going to change its stand on the OBC reservation issue or any other issues, which are very important for the country.

Really the only way to get caste reservations crapped now appears to be that Professionals (Doctors, Engineers, lawyers, MBAs, NRIs, Academics, Industrialists, Information technologists etc.) form their own political party, win elections and scrap reservations based on caste.

Perhaps present protests against reservations will change into a political movement, through the announcement of a new political party by the protestors.It is an option in a democratic country. If that happens, perhaps some good, will come out of this undesirable caste issue.A professional political party will be able to handle other pressing issues as well such as supply of water, uninterrupted electricity supply and timely justice in courts (these are really very simple matters that other countries have implemented several decades ago).

This task appears to be way beyond the capability of the present administration as the last half-century indicates. People from all walks will welcome a party that will be able to provide clean drinking water, electricity, justice and an administration free of corruption.

In this context I would like to discuss the importance of Lok Paritran. Lok Paritran is a political party formed in February 2006 by a group of 6 who graduated from IIT Mumbai and Kanpur. They contested for 8 seats in the recently concluded Tamil Nadu election and made a decent show by coming 3rd in few constituencies. Again it remains to be seen if they are ready to oppose something which can cost them their political mileage. But again how many are ready to come out of AC offices and and jump into the political arena. Are they up to it? If not perhaps they have none to blame, and should accept whatever is decided for them by the present leadership. After all, the present political leadership too, has to look after its interests, and the OBC reservations, is a major way within their capabilities of doing it.

We have another option ! Why not give all the important portfolis in the central govt. to the eminent and experts ?
Let Ratan Tata handle as a Foreign Minister as he has expertise and taken over lot of companies abroad. Let Ambani brothers handle Finance Ministry, as they are experts in finance. If they can fill their coffers and be on the " forbes " list as one of the richest in the world, they can very well handle Finance Ministry and fill the govt. coffers. Home Ministry should be given to an eminent Police officer like M.C. Sharma, who died fighting the terrorists, and who can take on law and order " head on ". Defence Ministry can be given to am Eminent General, who knows much better than these corrupt politicians who make arms deals for their commission. And for the post of Prime Minister, i cant think of anybody else, except Narendra Modi, chief minister of Gujarat who has transformed Gujarat into a developed state, the best governed state in India.

It is a hypothetical vision but cant be ruled out. To keep a check on these Ministries, autonomous bodies like IRDA, which is an insurance regulator and TRAI, which controls all the mobile companies in india, can be set up to monitor these ministries. Let all the unemloyed politicians, become members of these regulatory autonomous bodies, so that they also remain happy, without intervening.


Crime and money make a heady cocktail in Parliament today. MP'S wave wads of currency notes on television for bribes they receive, and others are flown in from various jails to vote on the trust motion. There are over 120 MP'S in the Lok Sabha with criminal charges against them, which makes it nearly 20% of the 543 MP's. Few are convicted, and cases drag on for years and decades. The Representation Of People's Act, 1951, says that anyone sentenced to 2 years or more in jail is disqualified from contesting elections but this does not apply to sitting MP's and MLA's and even the act is silent about those undergoing trial. Fortunately, there lies a simple way out.

People with minor criminal charges can't be appointed even as class 4 employees in the govt.----even if they are not convicted as yet. However one can become a Chief Minister, cabinet minister or even a Prime Minister while facing serious charges. If MP's are public servants, then they too should be debarred.

One of the root causes of corruption in our society, is the huge spending on elections. Money, liquor, clothes, tv sets and all sorts of other goods are distributed to voters, in blatant violation of the law. The chief election commissioner recently wrote " if a candidate is willing to spend 10 times more than the prescribed ceiling, it is not out of philanthropy, but in the secure knowledge that he can earn 10 times what he spends, once he gets to the seat of power ". A superficial analysis says that the voters are getting smart---they take these freebies and vote for the candidate, they like. However, the winning candidate's focus is on recovering his investments and returning favours to those who provided funding.

As in the USA, all candidates must declare the approximate amounts of funds they plan to spend on the elections well in advance, along with the source of these funds. Also there must be a penalty for those who do not declare the source of such funds and for those donors too, who give black money.

How bad is the situation today ? According to the data based on the candidate information during the 2004 elections of Lok Sabha, of the 120 elected MP's with criminal records, the BJP has 29, Congress 24, Samajwadi Party of Mulayam singh Yadav 11, Lalu's Party RJD 8, CPI 2. There are 333 serious cases against MP's with several having muliple cases. Mulayam Singh's party, SP, leads the pack with 80 cases of violent crimes like murder, attempt to murder, robbery, dacoity, kidnapping, theft and extortion, rape and others like assault using dangerous weapons or causing grevious hurt. It is followed by Mayawati's party BSP with 43 cases, BJP has 17, , Congress 16, Lalu's party 9, CPI( M) 5, CPI 1 And Sharad Pawar's party 2. For other crimes like cheating, fraud, forgery, giving false oaths to public officials, Mayawati's party has 23 cases, Lalu's party 22, Congress 21, BJP 11,, Mulayam Singh's party 11 and CPI 6.

In its may. 2002, and march 13, 2003, judgements, the Supreme Court in response to Public Interest Litigation had said that all candidates must declare their financial and criminal records, if any, and their educational qualifications in a sworn affidavit to the returning officer.

However,if we debar people with criminal records from contesting and ensure that sources of funding for elections, with penalties for non-disclosure on both the donor and the receiver, we can take a decisive step forward.

" Generals " ( term which i wrote on 29th sept. ), Did we ask this kind of polity ? Are we not equally responsible to put these kind of MP's in our Parliament ? Please do something. KUCCH KARO...

Friday, October 3, 2008


Kucch Karo. Do Something. Suddenly one day, i thought of writing my views about the political mess preavailing in our country. Although the thought was always there at the back of my mind, but i did'nt know how to express it. Blog came to my rescue. Blogging and the power of internet is the most thought provoking and effective tool available these days to reach out to the people. I may not succeed, the chances of which are very high, but i shall pardon myself, that i atleast tried... I have not given up yet and will keep trying. Some people may laugh at me. They might be thinking that, i am wasting my time. They may be right. But you always live on HOPE. If you give up HOPE, then what is left. You have to be a dreamer to acheive your goals. People who dont dream, do not acheive anything in life. May be some day, " A FLOWER MAY BLOOM ", may be a very small one. Atleast, rethinking process " may " start in people's mind, to whom i have access to.

Anyone who undertakes a venture in any field of human excellence is bound to face not merely difficulties but often also frustration and even ridicule or lack of support, extending itself to a situation of his not even being noticed. Let alone being approved. He, who having undertaken this journey, in the chosen world would find strength from these lines of the poem " When things go wrong, as they sometimes Will / When the road you are trudging seems all up Hill / When the funds are low and the debts are High / You want to smile, but you have to Sigh / Rest if you must---- but dont quit."

Indeed tough times dont last, but tough people do. Failures and repeated failures, besides instances of discouragement and repeated discouragement, should be met with repeated attempts and renewed courage.

Not seeing any light at the end of what may appear an unending tunnel,the truly courageous would know how, as noted by the poem, often " Success is failure turned inside Out " and about those tragic cases where " Often the struggler has given Up / When he might have captured the Victor's Cup / And he learned too late, when the night slipped Down / How close he was to the golden crown "

The path to excellence is, indeed, is as difficult to pass over as a razor's edge.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


A day on which all the political leaders of all hues paying tributes to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, prayer meetings at Rajghat and garlanding of Mahatama's statues, across the nation--- associated with the birth anniversary of one of the greatest men to ever walk on this planet.

Ricky ponting, the australian captain spins a charkha in Mumbai, Times of India a leading Indian newspaper puts a quarter page photograph to inform about T20 match between India and Australia. They applied a Gandhi touch and have always been doing this, and they are running a Lead India campaign to find a future leader for India. I can only smile at them… because i really doubt their intention. It’s not their fault, but Mahatma Gandhi is deeply rooted in here, why? Trust me every aspiring leader is asked about his Mahatma Gandhi thoughts and rated on Mahatma Gandhi IQ . Why?
Trust me I am not from Hindustan Times and they not much different too, I buy both the newspapers but it’s been long since I have been seeing a charkha , I would love to see a laptop or a mobile or a satellite or a tall building or another picture on the Indian currency note.
India has been growing rapidly and hopefully for the good. Everything is changing dramatically from roads, airports to buildings. All jazzy car makers lining up in India to sell their latest models in India. Monorails, Subways or Metros in each and every city for public transport. All notable fashion brands, broadband internet, latest mobile phones you name it and you have it. High paying jobs, increased awareness among the people, a more powerful middle class, higher literacy rate, airlines to every nook and corner, indian satellites in space and people all over the world learning new definitions of the word - Indian. So what is it that has changed India suddenly in the last 5 years, “Gandhi”.
Majority of my leaders and countrymen would still say, we are here because of Gandhi, Nehru etc. But do they have any statistical data to prove this? So, why is it that we still hear so much about our so called great leaders, politicians still spread their ideologies, address the UN to remember them and prescribe the ‘Gandhi antibiotic’ for the worldly diseases. Do they have any statistical data to support as to what benefit we would derive from Gandhi’s ideology in each and every aspect of life, now? My memory and political knowledge is short but brand India is created and respected only NOW all over the world because we now have millions of IT workers working for almost every company in the world, we have airlines based out of India flying to different skies in the world, our business leaders are buying companies in the east, west, The Indian oil major’s are buying oil fields in every part of the world. We are launching satellites in the space and are one fastest growing economies of the world.

We have changed from a country of plain white cloth men spinning the wheel to a demand driven, retail hungry, infrastructure building, dollar aggregating, business sensitive country. We have ourselves bought a chair for us on the World dining table, we were not invited because we had Gandhi. So, why is that we need to see the khadi or charkha ads and a conscious attempt by everyone to put a layer of Gandhi and Nehru sauce over the fresh and tasty sandwiches that Indians are preparing all over the world sixty years down the line.

I am tired of seeing Gandhi on the Indian currency since my childhood, I need a change. Gandhi was good, played a key role but it’s been 60 years, we need to check out other guys. He needs to be promoted from father of the nation to fore father of the nation and create space below to let other people be crowned for the glory. Gandhi has been like the end of file header for the last sixty years, and nothing else follows it. It has been like a stamp which when applied to any work, speech or action earns a license of being a fair practice no matter what the result would be. Do you think that Gandhi ever wanted this ? I don’t think so.

We need more Kalam’s, Patel’s, Murthy’s, Premji’s, Ambani’s who are hungry to bring the best to India because that way they earn money, power and fame. I know some businesses do bribe government, kill some traditional pockets of employment but if you see the bigger picture we do need them but for sure not another Gandhi or Nehru clone. We need to get out of the “Certified to Gandhi Standards System” stamp from our lives because deep within, we really don’t follow it anymore and nor does it apply any more. All we need is people with an intent of doing good for the people and the masses, not the way our so called “Father of the nation” asked us to. It’s time to realize that the word India in the dictionary needs a meaning, synonym more than Gandhi, Nehru. We need to add commas and print more definitions to it.

My thanks to Gandhi for the best he did to India, I love him for that. By writing all this I am not insulting or shadowing his efforts. One quality about great men is their names transform from a proper noun to an adjective, and that applies to Gandhi too. I think he never asked us to pray him, so maybe he is not the one to blame for this, but it’s for us to realize that India needs another way of thinking. It’s time to drop the word like, Don’t be like Gandhi, be someone parallel to him or above him. If ever I would be called great, I would always want to be known by my name only my name and not because I am like Gandhi or only followed Gandhi.

Some people i have mentioned above have done this in their own style, but then most of them would humbly thank and say our vision, policies etc were always based on Gandhi’s ideology. Give me break. That’s the problem, the brand Gandhi does not need any more free promotion. I am not against him, but I am against a superficial effort by everyone in branding or sub branding everything in India as Gandhi or Sub Gandhi because they feel you have a good public image if you put a tag Gandhi on your shirt. The day the public perception changes, we would see more parallel tags, brands and definitions in India and may be someone who would be eligible to be another father of the nation not because he is Gandhi. I think that was what Gandhi truly wanted.


I am a smoker myself. By banning smoking in public places, you cant take my right to do things, the way i want to ! Who has given you the blanket permission to ban smoking ? Have you taken the permission of the smokers, who are as good tax payers like any other ? Please get your own house in order first, before you make diktats. First, stop taking bribes from the taxpayers money. Corrupted people, dont have right to teach or preach, what others want to do with their lives !

My argument is that there is already too much government in our everyday lives.You must agree that people you are proposing to regulate are taxpaying citizens, with every right to enjoy the parks as anyone else. The second-hand-smoke theory is very loosely based on junk science, as so many things are these days. Common sense tells us that for a smoker to affect another person in a open space, such as the parks, he/she would have to be directly in that person's face. It is far more likely that dust and/or any number of other contaminants will be inhaled. If Minister wishes to be so Draconian, they should set aside areas for smokers, as smoking, per se, is not an illegal activity.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


By announcing that it would provide legal aid to its students who have been arrested on terror charges, Jamia Millia Islamia has affronted the nation and the taxpayer.

Mohammad Shakeel, a second-year MA student, and Zia-Ur-Rehman (third year BA) were arrested by Delhi Police for their alleged involvement in serial blasts in the national capital. Jamia’s media coordinator Rakhshanda Jalil said, “The university has now decided to provide legal help to the two students caught on Sunday.” He argued that since the two are students of Jamia, “the university feels it is a responsibility to safeguard them until they are proven guilty.” This is the most brazen support to jehad.

Since when did the varsities begin fighting the cases for their students? It is not the first time that the students of an Indian university have been arrested, but there is no precedent of the academic dons providing legal aid to criminals. So, why do the Jamia bosses feel that it is their “responsibility to safeguard them until they are proven guilty” is open to interpretation. Unfortunately, it is not just the Jamia authorities which are sympathetic to Shakeel and Zia. “Jamia does not have a students’ body that can fight for the students’ rights,” an agitated professor said. “After Friday’s encounter, no one can now speak openly about the students.” Hence Jamia’s intervention.

A large section of Muslims seem determined to believe that Atif, Shakeel, Zia and their comrades in arms were innocent students who have been unreasonably killed and arrested or are being hounded by the security agencies. Earlier, it was said that the shootout was a cock-and-bull story created by the police. But the death of Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma practically buried the charge—at least for some time—for the charges of ‘fake encounter’ are still being made by many Muslims.

The actions of Jamia dons will bestow some authenticity to the wild rumours doing the rounds in the community. And, pray, what are the moderate Muslims doing? Jamia Vice-Chancellor Mushirul Hasan said that he would take steps to look into the “well being” of his students. This is the reaction of a most suave Muslim scholar, who waxes eloquent about the country’s ‘composite culture’ and the Sufi tradition and quotes Mahatma Gandhi. And what does he do? He makes the public exchequer pay for the sins of the alumni of his varsity. In fact, it is double whammy for the taxpayer: he pays for the running of Jamia and other Muslim institutes; and when they breed fundamentalism, he is also made to pay for the jehadis’ lawyers. The war on terror has become a cruel joke.