Saturday, November 15, 2008


It's fashionable to say that India's evolving democracy has emerged out of its chaos and thrives on it as well. May be so, but the fissures pulling at our faultlines these days go well beyond benign confusion. But for now, there is a simmering anger just beneath the surface that could crack us open. If we don't watch it, India could implode.

Today the Samajwadi Party ( SP ) has announced Rs. 10 lakh for providing legal assistance to the Delhi terror accused. SP general secretary made this announcement at a meeting of the Jamia Old Boys Association. Mohammed Shakeel, a 2nd year MA student, and Zia-Ur-Rehman, a 3rd year BA student, of Jamia Milia University were arrested for New Delhi blasts on Sept, 21.

We are being told, that a sadhvi collaborated with a serving Army Officer and possibly a Mahant from Jammu, to set off serial blasts in Maharashtra. Not just that, the police now say that they may have had a role to play in the bombs that went off on the Samjhauta Express and killed 66 indians and pakistanis on the Lahore-bound train. In 2007, when the peace train was attacked, security analysts had blamed Lashkar-e-Tayyeba.

Perhaps more disturbing is the implication of a soldier in the case. We can beleive that the Army is capable of excesses, even brutality and violations, especially while serving in conflict zones. But never before has there even been a hint of shadow on its innate secularism. The word itself--secularism--may have become disputed, politicised, ambiguos and impossible to define. But in its most common sense and simple application, the fauj is secular. It's the reason why when communal clashes go out of control, India often turns to the Army to restore sanity. The charges against Lt. Col. Purohit go against the very grain of what the Army stands for. So, if the Army beleives he is innocent, it should be aggressive and unbashed in his defence.

In this case, it's tough to understand the Army's silence and it's unwillingness to go beyond public assurances of cooperating with the investigations. While privately seething, if the Army has a point of view, it needs to express it without fear or favour. Or is it, that political interference is too much on the Army to speak out the truth ? The question arises, that why did the Army handover its own serving officer to the police, when it has it's own mechanisms at place to investigate things of such magnitude ? Was it because of too much political pressure ?
Knowing very well that the integrity of our police has always been under question, the truth will never come out !
Throwing an impeccable serving officer in the sea, full of sharks, is one question, which all of us want to know.
The police's integrity is at its lowest ebb. They are the humble servants of their masters ( politicians ) and do what their masters ask them to do.

It's time to rethink if democracy is fit for India. Democracy in India means, just vote bank politics, nothing else. On the name of democracy, politicians are dividing people on the basis of religion, caste and region.

A big school called " India " now needs a new strict Principal with a baton in his hand to bring some kind of sanity and discipline which is badly required today. Otherwise the " students " e.g. these politicians will sell India in the open market.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In our Democratic nation, how many politicians actually develop the country?


November 16, 2008 at 8:17 AM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Saurabh,

If you happen to know any politician, who thinks for his country, please send me his address. I am searching for one.

November 16, 2008 at 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your link has been forwarded to me, by a common friend in the services. As far as i know Lt. Col. Purohit is just a scapegoat to let down the image of the Army. Killings of christians in Orissa has a direct bearing in this case. You may call it, teaching hindus a lesson by a Esteem leader at the top. It is a campaign to malign hindus in the army and outside, Media is totally sold out...

November 16, 2008 at 7:26 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Dear Anonymous Friend.

Thanks for the info. I had recd. an email in this regard, but i did'nt take it seriously. But coming from a second source, the same info, makes me feel, it could be true. We are heading towards a dangerous game, being played by the politicians.

November 17, 2008 at 8:56 AM  

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