Wednesday, December 3, 2008


These are his own views but forces us to think… rethink and introspect ourselves. This article has been sent to me by a good friend Mr. Vivek Sondhi.

This is a very sad day. There are many reasons why it happened. Following are the most important.

Irresponsible Political Parties, Poor goverance and Corruption:

Tons of ammunition can come to India and we don't even know that it is coming inside. Why? Corrupt customs and excise officials, are to be blamed. No matter which political party comes to power there is no cure for corruption in India. People are so corrupt that they will allow ammunition to come inside the country. Why not investigate the properties of Customs and Excise officers and compare it to their wages? What about illegal immigrants in India? There are large number of illegal immigrants in India, and government does not want to deal with it. India is a "dharmashala" ! The country is getting eaten from inside and now only a handful group of people, about 10 can inflict city's blood. What would have happened if there were say 200 terrorists instead of 10?

This is WAR! Mr. CM and Dy. CM DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? When are we going to understand that this is a WAR? If there had been about 200 terrorists instead of 10, they could have controlled the whole city for at least a week. Mr. Deshmukh, Mr. Patil DO YOU REALLY GET THIS OR ARE YOU BLIND AND DEAF?

Incompetent Security Infrastructure:

Police are neither trained nor are they prepared for such attacks. Given the circumstances, and equipments they have, they DO THEIR BEST! But, here there are terrorists with AK47 and AK57, and here are our cops with service revolver or a Hawaldar with a stump!! To all the political parties: With the amount you spend on election, I am sure we can buy enough automatic weapons for at least Mumbai police. The cops even don't have proper helmets and body armor to deal with this! So when they are going in, death is a certainty!

Unreasonable Judicial Procedures:

1993 Bomb blast case is still not finished. Sanjay Dutt was found guilty in that case and he is still making crores in films, and contemplating to run for an office. Is our JUDICIAL SYSTEM A JOKE? If people are not scared of the punishment, how could you deter them? Afzal Guru was found guilty but the punishment is still not carried out! WHY? What message are we sending to the terrorists?

Life is a Commodity in India:

Life is cheap and a commodity in India! Lets face it. Neither our politicians nor we ourselves view life as a precious thing. We have so many of them! Right? I am confident that nothing will change. In couple of years we will have another, and more bolder attack perhaps, and the things won't be different! At that time the difference will be number of innocent lives taken. May be thousands will die. WHO CARES? Certainly neither Congress, nor BJP. This is a fact.

US was attacked only once on the mainland after World War II. They taught the lesson of a lifetime to the attackers. There has not been a single attack on the mainland in last 7 years. "Ek parinda bhi par nahi mar sakata"! is a fact in US. There is a reason why it is a super power. US is called as the land of the free and home of the braves! What should I call my country? Land of the corrupt politicians and home of the gutless leaders? Is this the same country of Mahatma Gandhi, Lokmanya Tilak and Sardar Patel? As an Indian I dare to say, that we are light years away from being a Superpower! Only 10 kids between the ages of 20-25 can shatter a country like never before. It takes more than 24 hours to flush out these kids from our own homeland, and we dream of superpower! What kind of Super power? BPO or Software Export Super Power? This day has made a scar on my mind which will never heal!


Punish the political parties in the elections! Ask the leaders tough questions! Let them know enough is enough! Now is the time not to follow these gutless leaders but to lead from the front. Finally, my salute to the police force and soldires who are not afraid to die for us. They are not worried about their families! On this Thanks giving Day, I cannot say in Words, what your sacrifice means to all of us! Many Thanks, and WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU AND YOUR SACRIFICE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is really a sorry state of affairs, for which we all are to blame! It is very easy to say " We should do this, that is very bad et all" on the net/web pages. Does it really matter? Who elects the criminals, the corrupt, the incompetent, the selfish, the cunning, the exploiting, the nincompoop netas to power to rule and Govern this country? After begging for votes with folded hands and successfully getting elected, they treat the very same voters nothing more than the the dirt and dust on their feet! But who are these voters who bring them to power, definitely not the ones who genuinely make comments sggestions and toil hard for reforms on these web pages. They do not constitutute even 1% of the voters and cannot positively influence an equal number of others. A BETTER INFUENCE ON PUBLIC OPINION CAN BE BROUGHT ABOUT BY THE BIGGER MEDIA, THE PRESS, THE TV AND TO SOME EXTENT THE RADIO, definitely augmented by the net. But who controls the media is widely known. The huge logistics support to win the support of the vast masses of unconcerned/illiterate/exploitable/innocent voters is provided by the powerful industrialists, financial institutions, underworld, goondas, criminals and the exploitable poor classes. The solution, therefore, firstly, lies in tackling and ifluencing these vast mid-level and lower classes of citizens, who unfortunately do not have access to these discussions, or, are not inclined to participate in them and are cunningly targetted by the netas successfully, with false promises, assurances and goodwill, which are never reaised, and yet repeatedly they contnue to get their support with high hopes at least during the next tenure. Secondly, it is more important to tackle the vast logistics/ financial support base utilised by the netas to achieve their ends. Thirdly, after having identified ways and means to tackle the two issues, it is necessary for all the concerned citizens active on the net and the web and in the media to come down to the ground level field and try to implement the intended reforms and changes, which needs a lot of sacrifices in terms of time and resources from each individual. Until that happens, we can continue to live in this state of fase freedom, inequality, fear of terrorism and insecurity alround.

December 5, 2008 at 11:39 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Cdr Khilari,

I agree with you. To change, common people's inclusion, is a must, otherwise we cant change. It is a long process but till then, many more terror attacks will happen and thousands of people will die and keep dying. We need a Dictator at this point of time to set the house on order. Gen. Mushraff is free these days. Why dont we get him to India on deputation for 6 months to set our house on order ?

December 6, 2008 at 8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't need a Pakistani General (Retd) to set our house in order, for, none of the Pakistani Generals have ever set their own house in order! Mushraf was able to take over and hold on to power not becaus of his own inherent strength but due to many a "Proxy Servers" established in their country and surroundings over a period of time. There are many a General (and equivalents from Navy & Air Force), retired and serving in India, who has much more inherent strength, courage of conviction and REAL concern for the country than Mushraf. No existing politician or bureacrat (save Ms. Kiran Bedi) can be a near match to them. However, the discipline ingrained into the Armed Forces a-la Patriotism, Integrity and "Sevice Before Self", alround generally, is such that they avoid thinking seriously about Dictatorship/Coup, broadly because of holding very high preferences for Democracy, Seularism and Merit, although they are fully aware of the Governance by a bunch of jokers, nincompoops, un-concerned, corrupt, cunning, self-centered and opportunistic politicians and bureaucrats. Further, the conditions in our country may not be as conducive to take over Militarily and Govern, although not impossible, and much more complicated/difficult than as it may be easy to buy a car, but difficult to run and maintain it. Believe me Sir, Jee, in the present circumstances, if I were just a Major General equivalent, which my coursemates have been for about two years, and posted in a suitable appointment, I would have definitely thought of a COUP, of course after convincing all my seniors from all the three Services, and I definitely do not wish to undermine any one up there by saying so! May be, GOD did not desire such a thing! In that case, HE will definitely have planned an alternate and and good course of action for us, which we all have to discover and find out by synergising all our efforts, meaningfully. Five months away for the Lok Sabha elections is a very long way to design action plans.

December 8, 2008 at 11:03 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

CDr Khilari,

Referring to Gen. Mushraff was off the kuff and on a lighter note, with the aim of telling our Generals, that it is hightime to act. As we can see from the recent election results, our aam admi is least concerned about what happened in Mumbai. I dont blame the aam admi, as they are uneducated and a few bucks can satisfy his day and to vote for a impotent goverance, he is least bothered. The model of democracy has failed in India, its just left to vote bank politics of caste, religion, language and above all money power. It is time to think for alternate models for our country as Politicians have become experts how to exploit the democratic model to their benefit. Its time we scrap DEMOCRACY and think of a viable model, suitable for indian conditions, which is uneducated and does not know the actual meaning of democracy. It votes for wrong people and thereby, we have to suffer for their deeds, as we get bad goverance in return. Rajasthan is a glaring example.

December 9, 2008 at 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Vaneet,

I fully agree with your opinion in the last comment. The only possibility of bringing about a change in the present democratic setup is by having a limited Military rule in which, with total dedication, the Dictator should focus to eradicate illitaracy, dissolve the present set up of Administrative Machinery (Read IAS), educate the aam aadmi about true democracy, secularism, honesty, integrity, concern for every citizen of the country and patriotism, whilst all along maintaining and implementing highest standards of Foreign Policy, Internal and External Security, Finance and other fields of Governance. It may sound too tall and whimsical, but it is possible once a committed General takes over and organises his team!

December 9, 2008 at 12:46 PM  
Blogger vaneet kundra said...

Cdr Khilari,

A day will come, probably in our life time, when we will see total anarchy and chaos all around created by politicians, A man of steel will arise from one of us in this country to lead the change. It has to happen, nobody knows when...

December 9, 2008 at 7:48 PM  

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